No vote for change is going to go with Massa

Larreta, at the PRO breakfast: “Go vote in peace”

Horacio Rodriguez Larreta had breakfast with his candidate for Buenos Aires governor, Diego Santilli; the candidate for senator, Cynthia Hotton; and the pre-candidate for deputy, Silvia Lospennato; among others present in Tigre. The candidate for governor of Buenos Aires and the candidate for the presidency asked the country to “go vote in peace.”

“Let’s live a democratic day in peace, in tranquility,” Larreta requested and remarked: “It is very important that everyone go to vote, beyond the frustrations that may exist.” “We hope it will be a peaceful day, that is what Argentina needs,” said the Buenos Aires head of government.

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For his part, Santilli considered: “Today we have an opportunity to all go vote and take away our fear.” “You have to go vote, the best way to express what society has to say is to go vote,” insisted the candidate for the government of Buenos Aires.

Regarding the unity of Together for Change, the presidential candidate remarked: “Always together, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after, December 10, always.” Asked if they have already spoken with Mauricio Macrithe mayor of Buenos Aires responded: “We all talk to everyone and always together”

In addition, Larreta praised the electronic voting system and recalled that “in 2015 it was uploaded much faster than the paper ballot.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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