Olga Kurylenko, from Bond girl to dreaming of being a housewife

Now I want to be a housewife. It’s not very glamorous, but I’m doing the opposite of my friends. When we were young, they only thought about getting married and having a family, while I wanted a career., and now, they want to work and I want to stay at home. With these words to The worldOlga Kurylenko, who between series and films currently has a dozen projects in her portfolio, affirms that she wants to make a change in her life.

Of course, he is clear about his profession and there is no room to modify his path for the moment, but he does have ideas of where he would go if he did. If I wanted to do something other than acting, I would opt for medicine, therapy or psychology. I am fascinated by the human mind, especially people who go off the rails, who become obsessed or lose their reason. I see myself working on tattoos with other people.

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  • Olga Kurylenko, from Bond girl to dreaming of being a housewife

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Furthermore, the former Bond girl in Quantum of Solaceis also passionate about literature, and points out what her reference is: Simone de Beauvoir. I discovered it when I started learning French, because I wanted to perfect the language. Me it Memoirs of a formal young woman. Afterwards, The second sex. Then, old age He became my idol. It had a huge impact on me. I wanted to be her friend, become her. I know it’s bizarre, many people will read this and say, but what are you saying? But His words correspond to my vision of the world. Your thoughts, beliefs and feelings are similar to mine.

Olga Kurylenko.


Olga Kurylenko.Borja B. LeavesGetty Images

His life in France

She met this leader of feminism when she arrived in France from her native Ukraine, a stage that marked her life and defines it as a moment of survival. My thought at that time was that I was not going to return to my country in any way. He worked and worked.

Like the rest of my friends, I received offers of marriage, which is an option, but my obsession was to be independent. Maybe it’s something I learned from my mother, who I always saw get ahead on her own. So I identify with those humble origins, she adds.

And, with all the fame behind him, and far from those initial difficulties, he reflects on today’s society: When I started my career, social networks did not exist. Now everything has changed a lot. We live in the culture of selfie, everything is appearance. She has gotten out of hand. And I find it sad, because I feel that the more we become obsessed with the physical aspect, the more we lose the substance. It seems that success is based on pouting in front of the camera and getting a million followers. It’s all very superficial. Nobody cares what you read or what you like.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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