They publish first image of Kate Middleton after abdominal surgery

LONDON.- This Sunday the first photo of Kate Middleton, princesa of Wales, since its surgery abdominal almost two months ago, along with a statement thanking people for their support.

The portrait distributed is part of the commemoration of Mother’s Day in United Kingdom.

The photo, in which she appears sitting in a chair surrounded by her three children, was attributed to her husband, William, the Prince of Wales and heir to the throne of England, and was said to have been taken this week in Windsor.

“Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the past two months,” Kate said on social media. “I wish everyone a happy Mother’s Day.”

The publication followed weeks of great speculation on social networks about her whereabouts since she left the hospital on January 29 after almost two weeks admitted for pre-scheduled surgery. She hadn’t been seen in public since Christmas.

The royal family has come under more scrutiny than usual in recent weeks because both Kate and King Charles III are unable to carry out their usual public duties due to health problems.

Health in royalty

Crown officials said Charles is being treated for an unspecified form of cancer, discovered during an operation for an enlarged prostate. The monarch has canceled all public events during his treatment, although he has been photographed walking to church and in private meetings with dignitaries and members of the government.

Kate, 42, underwent surgery on January 16 and her condition and the reason for the surgery have not been revealed, although Kensington Palace, Prince William and Catherine’s office have said it was not related to cancer.

Although at first the palace said that it would only give significant reports and that the princess would not resume her official agenda before Easter, which this year is March 31, last month it issued another statement among the rumors and conspiracy theories, in which He indicated that he was fine and referred to the previous statement.

“Kensington Palace made clear in January the timeline for the princess’s recovery and that we would only convey significant developments,” the palace said on February 29. “Those indications remain.”

Speculation about Kate Middleton

At the time, crown staff told The Sun newspaper that: “we have seen the madness on social networks and that is not going to change our strategy. There has been a lot on social networks, but the princess has the right to privacy and asks the public that respects it.”

Doubts increased last week when the British military appeared to rush into announcing that Kate would attend a Salute to the Flag ceremony in June, apparently without consulting palace staff.

The appearance would have been her first major official event since the surgery, but Kensington Palace did not confirm any public appearances by Kate. It is palace staff, and not government departments, who announce and confirm the attendance of members of the royal family at events.

The army later removed any reference to his assistance.

British media indicated that the military had not sought permission from Kensington Palace before publishing details of Kate’s attendance in June, and announced the appointment based on expectations that the princess, in her role as colonel of the Irish Guards, inspect the troops at the annual military ceremony.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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