Olvido Hormigos will have to pay 60,000 euros to Count Lequio

Bad news for Olvido Hormigos. The former councilor of Los Ybenes (Toledo), famous for the dissemination of an intimate video sent to her lover while she was married, will have to pay 60,000 euros to Alessandro Lequio and his wife, Mara Palacios.

The Supreme Court, the last instance, has ruled that The former politician’s statements in various media outlets stating that she had had an affair with Ana Obregón’s former Italian represent an illegitimate interference with the right to honor. of the couple.

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  • Her friend Susana Uribarri has shared the images of some candles with the name Ana Lequio Obregón, without the Sandra in honor of her son.

Given this conviction, to which the portal had access Lookthere is no longer any appeal, so The former councilor will have no choice but to pay the appointment amount by collaborating on televisionwho works commenting on current affairs of the heart and gives his opinion from the Telecinco morning social club.

The affair

According to the testimony of Olvido Hormigos, She and Count Lequio would have had a romance of several meetings that even took her to visit the Italian’s house.. Some words that he said in 2017 and that made the aristocrat file a lawsuit against him that he has won in all instances and against whose ruling there is no longer any appeal.

Thus, in addition to the compensation of 60,000 euros, Ants will also have to take charge of all the things derived from the process..

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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