Lo sviluppo degli smartphone pieghevoli no è iniziato just recently. Starting from the first OLED panels without announcements più di 10 anni fagoing through the extensive research and sviluppo che i brand have not fatto a chiuse porte for diversi anni prima di presentare i primi prototipi, the nascita dei prodotti ad oggi definiti “foldable” è stata a process lungo e per nulla frettoloso.

Oppo He has decided not to rush if his cousin is to present a product equipped with a flexible display on the market, but I will continue to study, develop and innovate inside my own laboratory, so I can Giungere sul mercato con dispositivi maturi e pronti per gli utenti finali. This has led to the realization of the two generations of Cerniere Flexion Hinge Arrived at the market in the corso degli last years, the quali have left all the store of migliorare il concetto di smartphone pieghevole.

Il secreto per uno smartphone pieghevole di successo

The search engine and touch screen of Oppo in the field of the Pieghevoli display is started in 2018. In 2020 the company has presented Oppo X 2021, a smartphone with a rotating display that has opened the road to a series of tests Sui possibili design delle cerniere, i quali sono culminating in the launch of the cousin Oppo Find N e della prima generazione di Flexion Hinge. The structure of the Flexion Hinge of the new generation of Oppo, which laughs at almost five years, if it finds its solid foundation ed è stata perfezionata innumerevoli volte.

Perché spendere così so much time for progettare what che ad oggi diamo per già compreso e scontato? If you think, nella vita di tutti i giorni We continually abbiamo che fare with innumerevoli and diversi tipi di cerniereit is enough to think about alle ante degli armadi, alle portiere delle auto, alle porte delle stanze o abitazioni e chi più ne ha più ne metta.

When a pieghevole smartphone talks, the cerniera has an incredible impact. Not only if it deals with the most unwieldy and heavy component, but it supports the flexible display and it allows you to use new fun modes of use that are not possible with a traditional smartphone. Il perfezionamento della cerniera allows quindi the realization of the smartphone always più duraturi, performanti and fun to use!

Oppo Flexion Hinge

Più simple and leggerezza

Oppo Find N2 Flip is the first portable smartphone of the brand also on our market and has been announced in China in accoppiata to Oppo Find N2. I due smartphone present an identical pressoché sieve e che si differenzia only nelle dimensioni.

Entrambi sfruttano a flexible element in accidental accident, incised with precision and initialed with a soft and pieghevole material. The high resistance lega Used in the aeronautical industry, used by the cuscinetti guarantees a greater reliability, a resistance to fine scratches at 15% and a resistance to fine snakes at 25%. Nel frattempo, il reinforced polymer with carbon fiber Assicura che la cerniera sia forte ma leggera.

The Flex Hinge of Oppo does not need the implementation of pettini Dedicated to blocking the income of dust. Gli ingegneri di Oppo hanno spiegato che tali pettini and rebbero a rimuovere il lubrificante che permette agli ingranaggi di funzionare en modo fluido y silenzioso. Infine la cerniera è stata pensata fin dall’inizio per essere duratura e non farsi impensierire da un po’ di duster.

However, the Flex Hinge of Oppo does not produce directly from the cabinet in its own stabilization (è Amphenol the cabinet that physically produces the various parts and assembles it), The design is 100% original and idea of ​​Oppo. Il marchio ci has a sottolineare che does not license and does not license the technology della Flexion Hinge da ea nessuno.

Oppo Flexion Hinge

The new generation of Flexion Hinge that we could use on your Find N2 Flip is later optimized even in the first version. the sifter has fewer components: For an example in Find N it was composed of 138 components while in Find N2 only 100, consequently N2 Flip still has a lower contagion. Ciò has quindi permesso a Oppo di ridurre la possibilità di guasti (fewer components = fewer sews that possono danneggiarsi), alleggerire and own devices and reserve more space for others eat batterie più capienti. Without dimenting that a product is “simple” from the point of view of design, it is the fastest and most economical of production.

Oppo has quindi potuto include in Find N2 Flip The external interactive display is wide of the settore, the battery più powerful and la ricarica più fast Say any other smartphone with this form factor.

The Flex Hinge of Oppo Find N2 Flip is the reason why it is possible to insert a così wide external display on the front of the phone. A small sieve, inoltre, makes possible the presence of a more powerful battery and quick charging, while its robustness contributes to creating unique experience of use, improving the life of the smartphone over time” has spiegato Oppo.

The presence of a cerniera in the ridotto format does not mean sacrificing duration: Find N2 Flip è estado testato dal TÜV Rheinlandwhich has verified the possibility of piercing the smartphone fine to 400,000 turn around without compromising the benefits, the equivalent of a normal use for about 10 years. It is also under extreme conditions, working perfectly as it is standing still 100,000 volts yes at -20ºC che at 50ºC.

Oppo Find N2 Flip Oppo Find N2 Flip Oppo Find N2 Flip

addio piega

The cerniera is but only an element of support to the vera star of the show: the display pieghevole. Oppo è riuscita a solvere molte delle preoccupazioni degli utenti per quanto riguarda i dispositivi pieghevoli portati sul mercato dalla correnza.

To start, Oppo Find N2 Flip If it runs completely without the space between the two ends of the device, this prevents the sporco from entering and rendering the device more sottile and elegant. To obtain this result, the screen of Oppo is designed to pierce the display with a way to gocciavarious of the “U” shaped feet are used for example by Samsung smartphones.

The “U” shaped foot chiudes the display with a curvature ridge of around 1.5mm, with the difference of the other 2mm of the goccia foot possible thanks to the Flexion Hinge and all’exclusiva piastra to the reticolare matrice that holds the plate. I have not achieved that the inevitable “sign” of the footing on its first display is clearly visible in light of what is second. Not alone, a raggio of maggiore curvature puts less stress ai diversi strati sottili che compongono il display and this abbassa the possibility that one of the strati if he can solve the intero pannello.

Oppo Flexion Hinge

Spesso chi sfrutta il design a goccia utilizza delle cerniere in grado di rimanere only completamente aperte or completamente chiuse. Oppo is happy to implement a solution that guarantees the use of the balance in purchase positions between 45° and 110°allowing new experiences that are not possible with the classic smartphone.

“(…) As a selfie lover, probably in the past I used a photocamera with an inferior quality, ma, thanks to the external display and all the help of the Flexion Hinge that allowed the phone to ‘stare on foot’ partly piegato, if you can see a while beforehand If you are running a video, I will take a selfie with clear images thanks to the powerful main camera” has sottolineato Oppo.

Oppo Find N2 Flip is available all from the Oppo Store in a bundle with the Oppo Enco X earphones at a discount price:


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