María Corina Machado asks to maintain focus on the 2024 presidential elections

CARACAS. – The Political Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) reported that the political disqualification against the opposition leader is maintained María Corina Machado.

The Court responded to the factual appeal and the request for protection presented by Machado, who won the elections primaries of the opposition in October 2023, on December 15. The decision of the TSJ ratified the statements of the Comptroller General of the Republic that prevents politicians from holding public office for 15 years.

After this, the leader responded on the social network X, formerly Twitter, that the fight does not end. “The regime decided to end the Barbados Agreement. What is not over is our fight to conquer democracy through free and fair elections,” she emphasized.

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The TSJ noted that María Corina Machado’s request “does not comply with the requirements established and demanded in the Barbados Agreement signed on October 17, 2023.”

Likewise, he said that “Nicolás Maduro and his criminal system chose the worst path for them: fraudulent elections. That is not going to happen. Let no one doubt it, this is until the end.”

The Administrative Political Chamber stressed that the measure is without trial of the criminal and pecuniary actions “to which their actions could give rise.”

In 2014, the Comptroller’s investigation against Machado began when the comptroller was Elvis Amoroso, current president of the National Electoral Council (CNE). In 2015, he was disqualified for one year, but a property investigation was expanded that led to the declaration of administrative responsibility.

According to the CGR, the former deputy was associated with an alleged corruption scheme organized by Juan Guaidó, former president of the interim government of Venezuela. In this sense, Machado was accused of the alleged takeover of Citgo and Monómeros, among other allegations.

For his part, the former mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma, indicated in his X profile that “now more than ever, we Venezuelans count on and trust in the fighting capacity of @MariaCorinaYA . We know of his determination, of the solidity of his convictions and of his indomitable courage to assume the risks implicit when fighting a dictatorship.”

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Source: TSJ

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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