Paco Arvalo's granddaughter denies Malena Gracia: It made her suffer a lot

Paco Arvalo’s family is broken with pain. The comedian died on January 3 and it was his son who found the lifeless body at his home in Valencia. A hard blow that took everyone by surprise and from which they are still recovering. Her granddaughter Ana Arvalo, who from now on will use her grandfather’s surname to pay tribute to her, has sat down on the set of the Telecinco program Fiesta to talk about the comedian and clarify all the controversy that arose with Malena Gracia.

It was precisely Malena Gracia who raised her voice to denounce that she had been expelled from the funeral home by Arvalo’s children. I am dejected with this situation. I do not deserve it, said the star with tears in her eyes. How in a funeral home does the son start making fun of me? I enter the funeral home, I go to the living room and the first one comes and he tells me that I can’t go in, I insisted. Some words that the comedian’s granddaughter did not want to miss.

My grandfather would have liked us to be the ones who needed to be there, that we were the ones who loved him with all our hearts, says Ana, visibly affected. I don’t want to talk much about Malena Gracia because it is a moment for my grandfather, so that he can be remembered as he should, but I don’t want to remain completely silent because the statements that this person has given, of everything he has said, he has not said a single thing that was true. I want to make that clear, he adds.


Malena Gracia in the funeral chapel of comedian Paco Arvalo.José Ramón HernandoEuropa Press

We have not had any dealings with her

The young woman assures that Paco Arvalo and Malena Gracia did not currently maintain any type of contact. She said she thought we were her family, but that’s a lie because We have not had any dealings with her, nor has she sat at our table. On top of that, he went to a television set the night my grandfather was being buried. What kind of person does that? he questions.

Malena made him suffer a lot. He has had a very bad time with her. How are you going to have a good time with a person who has put you like she has put him on television sets? Days before what happened, he was making my grandfather angry. And on top of that, he shows up at the funeral home, Ana Arvalo reproaches that she has at all times avoided seeing the monitors where images of Arvalo’s ex-partner were broadcast.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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