Patricia Pardo charges against Mediaset after the signing of the presenter created with AI: I feel threatened

Mediaset has become one of the great protagonists of the week after announcing the signing of a new presenter for Survivors which has been created with Artificial Intelligence. Alba Renaiwhat to direct Supersecrets with Alba Renaia program in which unreleased content from the 19 contestants of the reality show will be broadcast,aci in September thanks to the company Be a Liona leading company in the creation and execution of marketing strategies in new communication environments.

It seems that the incorporation of Renai has not gone down well in the Mediaset environment. This is what he has made known Patricia Pardowho has shown his indignation during the last installment of We’ll see. The presenter has skipped the program timeline for a few minutes to throw a dart at the Fuencarral group.

This is not an old bald man

Now I’ll tell you the details right away, but first, let me touch you because I want to celebrate being next to a real-life presenter., he asked Joaquín Prat. The Dane assured that he does not feel threatened because his new virtual reality partner is a woman. I do feel threatened, Pardo has expressed. The presenter has also shown her surprise because the new addition This is not an old, bald man..

Joaquín Prat has followed the line of his partner by ensuring that curiously the new signing of Mediaset is a young, athletic and attractive woman. Despite this addition, Christian Gálvez’s partner has shown his joy at the luck that his table companions are flesh and blood human beings. Luckily we are all here and we are made of flesh and blood, we get angry and make mistakes because we are human. We are flesh and bloodhas settled before delving into the black chronicle issues.

Social networks showed their disapproval for the signing of Alba Renai to Supervivientes, given the number of professionals in the market to fill this position. We are stuck with Alba Renai… Don’t comment… Technologically and as an innovation it seems amazing to me, but that a chain instead of hiring a human person does that seems despicable to me. Unnatural, artificial and increasingly distant from the real world. A serious ERROR, noted one user.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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