The premiere of The body on fire Six years later, Netflix brought Rosa Peral’s name back to radio and television and, as a result, she is once again the subject of public opinion. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the homicide she carried out with her lover, Albert López – sentenced to 20 years -, and which cost the life of also an agent of the Barcelona Urban Police, Pedro Rodríguez. However, Peral has not stopped claiming his innocence. And this, at the same time, has earned the animosity of many personalities who insist that there is a firm resolution on the matter.

This is what happened after the interview he gave to El Matí de Catalunya Ràdiowhere Peral has insisted on charge against the image that different media outlets portray of her. He does not skimp on showing his displeasure. “They have tried to sink me”, he asserts. These words have been echoed We’ll seethe television format hosted by Patricia Pardo. The presenter, who was going to give way to some statements from the convicted woman, took a short pause to launch a harsh warning to Rosa Peral.

“She is sentenced by a final sentence”

“Warn Rosa herself that any plea in favor of her defense is useless because she is sentenced by a final sentence to 25 years in prison for having ended the life of her partner.”Pardo has exploded. The television station puts forward the sentence, ruled by a court, which the co-author of the call carries out. ‘Crime of the Urban Guard’ to denounce that he does not try to whiten his image.

Rosa Peral during the trial


Rosa Peral during the trialEuropa Press NewsEuropa Press via Getty Images

In the telephone calls collected by the program, Peral affirms that he has not seen the documentarybut she has taken the opportunity to give her opinion about the judicial process she experienced as an accused. “When I arrived he already seemed guilty”he insists. These words have fallen like lead on the murderer herself since they lacked the necessary authorization to be able to make them from prison. As a result, the Department of Justice has decided to restrict its calls to immediate family only.

With this handicap you will have to count on a Rosa Peral who, despite the evidence and the firm decision of the popular jury that found her guilty, continues to consider himself innocent. Her thoughts are so firm that she uses them to denounce the mistreatment she receives from the press, who, she claims, call her a “toxic” y “manipulative”. His argument is that “no psychologist has said it”. However, beyond the prison walls these words are not heard as loudly.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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