Paz Padilla's hardest reflection: I am superfluous in Spain

You’re missing a trip, the program by Paz Padilla and her daughter Anna Ferrer, says goodbye to Cuatro without meeting the network’s expectations in terms of audience. For this last installment, mother and daughter They traveled to Ecuador to conclude this television adventure by connecting with nature and making a particular reflection on his current life.

In the middle of the Amazon jungle, and after sharing several very special moments with some of the local tribes, Paz Padilla surprised viewers by looking back to take stock of the decisions made in recent times. I liked the thing about connecting with nature, that if you are not connected, you lose your balance within yourself, he begins by saying out loud.

I am realizing, as I travel, that I am connecting more with other civilizations than with my own, adds Paz Padilla. The presenter assures that I am left in Spain, leaving the door open to start a new life on the other side of the Atlantic.. You didn’t have to have been born there, but then, well you like some pipes and a potato omelet, responds her daughter Anna Ferrer. That has nothing to do with spirituality, the comedian insists.

I’m considering that I would like to live here for a few months. How can it be that I understand them so well?, confesses the former Slvame presenter. In addition, he took the opportunity to make a comparison with the life of his daughter’s father, Albert Ferrer: he was my manager and he decided to get out of the loop, go to Honduras as an aid worker and he is happy, as he has told us many times.

You need a trip, in hearings

The docuseries of Paz Padilla and her daughter say goodbye to the small screen scoring a 4.5% screen share and 520,000 viewers. Despite the great display of promotion on social networks by the presenter and the influencer, the format has not managed to connect with the audience.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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