Peru stands in solidarity with the cause for the freedom of Cuba

MIAMI.- The international campaign to put the violation of human rights in context Cuba and mainly the situation experienced by hundreds of political prisoners on the island led the coordinator of the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance (ARC), Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronatto meet at Peru with important political personalities from that South American country.

Gutiérrez-Boronat held a formal meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, Javier González-Olaechea, and Congressman Alejandro Carvero, president of the State Modernization Commission of the Peruvian Congress, with whom he analyzed the case of civic leader José Daniel Ferrer , detained in inhumane conditions since 2021.

“Amid the Cuban communist regime’s attempts to export its repression against the opposition, threatening and intimidating representatives of the Cuban exile and of the Cuban resistance so that they do not continue with their international denunciation, we have come to Peru to meet with the chancellor and other personalities,” said the activist.

Indeed, the new meeting took place in the context of threats from the Castro regime to the ARC coordinator, and serves as a “challenge” to the regime’s attempts to “criminalize activists in exile” by putting them on a terrorist list, published by the Official Gazette, to prevent them from being received and recognized by governments and international organizations.

He explained that at the meeting he was able to expose the intensification of the actions of violation of human rights against the Cuban population. “Peru is aware of what is happening in Cuba and these leaders who received us were very receptive,” said Gutiérrez-Boronat.

The meeting between the ARC and the chancellor of Peru, and the reception given by Congressman Carvero, who organized a lunch to meet with Gutiérrez-Boronat, “is a defeat for the regime’s international aggression plans and a ratification of the exile’s commitment with the freedom of Cuba and respect for human rights,” said the exiled activist.

Support for Cuba

Gutiérrez-Boronat asked Peruvian leaders to continue supporting the more than a thousand Cuban political prisoners. Ferrer, who in recent weeks suffered an act of repudiation in the Mar Verde prison in Santiago de Cuba after months of being held incommunicado, has reported serious health problems.

The ARC coordinator also warned about the growing human rights violations against the Cuban population with the implementation of decrees and laws that have drastically reduced freedom of expression and movement of citizens.

He stressed the importance of democratic governments and parliaments denounce the intensification of repression.

“The group of corrupt people that heads the Cuban dictatorship does not have the right to tell any human being, neither inside Cuba nor outside of Cuba, what they can say, what they can think, where they can travel, what they can pursue in life. , however you want to express yourself,” he commented.

In 2023, the ARC has been received by European and Latin American parliaments and governments to promote solidarity with Cuban civil society, report on human rights violations and demand an end to international financing to the Castro regime.

The ARC thanked the Government of Peru for its solidarity with the Cuban cause and its recognition of the leaders of the resistance and exilewhile condemning the intimidating actions of the Castro regime to silence the legitimate demand for freedom of the Cuban people.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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