Petro government and FARC dissidents agree to start peace talks in Venezuela

CARACAS.- Gustavo’s government Petro and the second Marquetalia of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), led by Iván Márquez, agreed on an Agenda for Dialogues and Negotiation.

In a meeting held in Caracas, this Tuesday, June 4, the delegations decided to hold peace talks in Venezuela on June 24. According to a document signed between the parties, the agenda will address five aspects: De-escalation of the conflict and readiness of the peace territories; construction of territories paz; victims as a transformative social subject; conditions for peaceful coexistence and implementation.

In accordance with Week, a roadmap will be established that will guide the search for negotiated solutions to the conflict. The first cycle of peace dialogues will be held from June 25 to 29 to debate the agreed topics and define the negotiation protocols. It was established that the dialogue rounds will last one week with intervals of no more than 30 business days.

The document also states that the parties will follow the principle of “agreement agreed, agreement fulfilled.” This includes design, commissioning, implementation and compliance verification. The parties agreed that Colombia is experiencing an exceptional moment of intense dispute over the definition of the country’s future.

Likewise, “the parties agree that broad social mobilization is required in order to move towards a great national political agreement that is based on the power of the sovereign people.”

The meeting in Caracas

At the meeting on Tuesday the 4th, in Caracas, there were delegates from the Venezuelan and Cuban regimes, the Catholic Church, international organizations and representatives of the government of Petro and from the FARC of Iván Márquez.

The Peace Commissioner, Otty Patiño, attended on behalf of the Colombian government, along with Armando Novoa, who will take over as head of the Casa de Nariño delegation. On the Second Marquetalia side, Iván Márquez and José Vicente Lesmes, alias Walter Mendoza, attended. Lemes will lead the peace delegation of the guerrilla organization.

The Petro administration is carrying out two other peace processes with the Central General Staff of the FARC and the ELN.

Source: Week / Weather

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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