The words of the former grenade Tommaso Pobega, interviewed by Milan TV in view of the Coppa Italia match against Turin

Thomas Pobegaa former Torino midfielder, spoke to the microphones of Milan TV ahead of the Coppa Italia match between Milan and Turin. The Rossoneri want revenge for the defeat suffered in the league, and consider the Italian Cup a fundamental objective.

Pobega’s words

“As the coach said, the goal is to win the competition, to improve from a mental and path point of view. We have an unfinished business since November, we lost against Torino and it wasn’t a brilliant game.” And then again: “When the teams come to San Siro they want to prove they are up to it, surely Torino will try with its principles. I’m happy to be back to scoring against Roma, scoring is one of the best sensations. Mistakes are made during matches, there is regret, but we have to move forward”.


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