In this new episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon and Alexandra Saviana, journalist at the Société de L’Express service, tell of this “molting” far from being isolated in political and journalistic circles.

Listen to this episode and subscribe to La Loupe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict And Amazon Music.

The team: Margaux Lannuzel (writing), Xavier Yvon (presentation), Charlotte Baris (editing).

Credits: Sud Radio, Europe 1, C8, INA

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Daniel Pier/NurPhoto via AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.

Xavier Yvon : Gros-gras-grand-barley-grain… Gros-gras-grand-barley-grain…

Before starting this episode, I practice articulating all the letters without stammering…

Because in anticipation of our topic of the day, I listened to two of our podcasts again, the Antivaxia survival kit and the Absurdism survival kit – I must admit, moreover, that I did not imagine that we would would need so often…

You may remember that Professor of Medicine Gilbert Deray defined two words as interesting as they were difficult to pronounce… We’ve already taken them out of our archive cabinet, so today I’m the one who’s going to try to summarize them for you… The first is ultra-cré-pi-da-ria-nism, which consists of putting all words on an equal footing… For example, to consider that a medical opinion that we read on any blog is worth as much as the word of a specialist recognized by his peers…

And the second, which goes with it, is ip-se-di-xi-ism: the fact of believing that an idea, even if it is controversial, is true because it is accredited by ONE person considered credible, for example because she has a doctor’s degree… And this, even if this person is discredited in her professional environment and all her colleagues say the opposite.

Here, I hope you have listened well… Especially for this second term, because it is the one that will serve us today… We have already explained to you how ip-se-di-xi-tisme works in the scientific community, in an episode devoted to researchers who support conspiracy theories… But we have never spoken to you about those who surf on another kind of legitimacy, for example journalistic or political, to support the most eccentric theories …

For you to understand, we have chosen an example of this ip-se-di-xi-tisme: that of André Bercoff, a former columnist popular on television sets and friend of Mitterrandie, who today puts his community at the service of antivax and other Trumpists…

And believe me, his story is worth the detour.

For further

Right: the politically incorrect takes to the maquis

Pr Gilbert Deray: “Antivax, revealing a society sick with its selfishness (and lack of culture)”



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