Police officer who murdered Mexican actor Octavio Ocaa is sentenced

MIAMI.- More than two years after the death of the actor and Mexican comedian Octavio Ocaathe justice has found guilty Leopoldo Azuara de la Luz, the police officer who shot the 22-year-old young man in October 2021.

The former official was accused of the crimes of intentional homicide and abuse of authority.

The actor’s sister Bertha Ocaá informed the media about the decision of the court handling the case. The woman has been in constant struggle so that the murder of her brother does not go unpunished, and it will be revealed that it was not a suicide as was initially presumed.

Ocaa stated that he hopes the decision serves as a precedent for police abuse to stop.

No police officer is exempt, it is not fair to abuse a citizen just for having a patrol car, a uniform and a weapon, this case is historic because justice was achieved,” he commented on what this means.

According to journalist Addis Tun, the other police officer involved in the murder is missing. Approximately 80 witnesses participated during the trial.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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