A man accused as the leader of an illegal hatchery in a house in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Nueva Pompeya was arrested in the last few hours. In the place there were 17 overcrowded dogs and 50 dead birds in their cages.

The complaint was made by neighbors of the home, after which the Fiscal Unit Specialized in Environmental Matters (UFEMA)by prosecutor Carlos Rolero Santurian.

After collecting different evidence, they ordered a raid in which they found 14 dogs of the Berna cattle breed, of which eight were adults and six were puppies; a Jack Russell breed and two Golden Retrievers.

(There were 17 dogs crammed into the area and 50 dead birds in their cages.)

The animals were overcrowded and mistreated, with little space to circulate, dirty and moving on the excrement. In turn, in another space of the house there was a small hatchery for birds, all of them dead.

There were 54 canaries and four mandarins, who lost their lives for not being fed for several days. The corpses of the birds remained in the cages for days, so there was a risk of a eventual spread of zoonotic diseases.

Faced with this situation, the FEMALE He ordered the sequestration of the dogs and cages, as well as the removal of the corpses of the birds. Whoever was in charge of this hatchery was arrested for committing the crimes of acts of animal cruelty.

Likewise, the place was closed for operating as a clandestine hatchery and not being suitable in terms of operation, safety and hygiene. The rescued animals were transferred and sheltered in an NGO.


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