
The pontiff is admitted to the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, where he underwent surgery on Wednesday for an abdominal hernia.

Pope Francis, in a file image.AP
  • Pope Francisco Pope Francis’ abdominal hernia operation concludes without complications

He Pope Francisco He is progressing favorably after the operation he underwent on Wednesday for an abdominal hernia and the postoperative period continues normally. The pontiff has already been able to get up and spend the morning sitting in an armchair, from where he has resumed his work.

“Pope Francis rested overnight. The medical team reports that the clinical picture is progressively improving and the postoperative period is normal. After breakfast, His Holiness began to move and spent most of the morning in an armchair. This allowed him to read the newspapers and resume his initial job“, says the medical report released this Friday by the Vatican.

Francis spent his second quiet night at the Gemelli hospital in Rome, after the operation he had to avoid intestinal occlusion and in which some adhesions were removed and a mesh was placed on the abdomen.

On Thursday afternoon it was reported that Francisco had been fed “with a liquid diet. The hemodynamic (which studies blood circulation) and respiratory parameters are stable. The postoperative evolution is normal.”

The pope spends his third day admitted to the pontifical apartment on the tenth floor of the Roman hospital and It is still unknown how many days he will remain hospitalized.

Doctor Sergio Alfieri, who operated on him, explained that for this type of operation 5 to 7 days of hospitalization are needed, but he said that It must be taken into account that the Pope is 86 years old.

On Thursday, the Pope received the Eucharist as it was Corpus Christi and among the messages he received, he was surprised by the poster made for him by the Peruvian family of the baby he himself had baptized during his previous hospitalization last March, for pneumonia, and called the mother to thank her.

The message of
The message of encouragement from a Peruvian family for Pope Francis.AP

This is the third time that Francisco has been admitted to the Gemelliafter the colon operation in July 2021, when 33 centimeters of intestine were removed, and the pneumonia last March.

For now, The Vatican has canceled all the audiences and acts of the Pope until June 18 and the two trips to be made to Lisbon at the beginning of August to participate in the World Youth Day and to Mongolia at the end of the same month are maintained.

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