Prado Museum breaks record of visits during 2023

MADRID.- He Museo Prado National Super in 2023 rcord of visitors reached in 2019, the year of the Museum’s Bicentennial celebration. The figure rose to 3,209,285 compared to the 3,203,417 registered in 2019.

“A museum cannot be measured only by the number of visitors but without a doubt having a wide audience is something that always gives you enormous satisfaction,” highlighted the director of the National Prado Museum, Miguel Falomir, in a live broadcast Instagram in which he has taken stock of 2023.

The director of the Museum has assessed that it has been a year: “really very prolific in terms of the quantity, quality and variety of activities.”

“Only in terms of exhibitions and at the Madrid headquarters we have had 8 exhibitions,” recalled Falomir, who adds that this offer is the result of “the addition of many wills, many efforts, without a doubt the museum workers, the sponsors and “especially the public” which includes both those who visit the Museum physically and virtually.

Of the total visits, 1,5547,213 people (48.21%) accessed the Museum for free. “I think one of the hallmarks of the Prado Museum is that it is probably the European museum with the most free hours,” the director stressed.

Throughout 2023, the months that have recorded the highest number of visits have been April, May and June, while Wednesday, December 27, has become the day of the year (provisional until the end of 2023) with the greatest influx of visitors. public with a total of 14,345 visitors.

2024 proposal

Social art, sculpture, Zurbarn, Rubens and Polke are the main proposals of the Prado Museum for 2024, a year in which the art gallery will seek to consolidate some of its main lines of action of recent years.

In this sense, Art and social transformations in Spain (1885-1910), with the exclusive sponsorship of the BBVA Foundation and curated by Javier Barn, head of Conservation of the 19th Century Painting area, will open the exhibition program in May. of the museum with an exhibition that will delve deeper for the first time in Spain into this key genre in 19th century painting.

Through large-format works, the visitor will be invited to learn about the sensitivity, demands and complaints that were palpitating in Spanish society that served as material for expression by painters such as Regoyos, Nonell, Fillol or Picasso himself.

FUENTE: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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