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The huge list of privileges of a magistrate ● Wizz Air CEO: “We are ready if Tarom collapses ● The peak of the increase in royalties: only if those who owe them also want it ● Tazz has surpassed Glovo Romania, in losses ● What is the share of Marcel Ciolacu, the prime minister who beats the betting houses ● The country as a prey: The financial priorities of the Structure ● Rejudgment in the case in which SO Vântu is claimed damages for damaging a bank ● Stench in Baciu commune, complained by residents/The mayor of Baciu says that the smell comes from at Napolact ● The oldest student in Romania ● Policeman and military, accused of usury ● We put bots to solve problems in info, mate and Romanian ● Who is holding Horațiu Cherecheș, accused of sexual abuse?! ● Malul Crișului Repede, “confiscated” by rich and influential people from Oradea, with villas in the vicinity

Press reportPhoto: Jeppe Gustafsson / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

A magistrate’s huge list of perks: special pensions, countless allowances, subsidized rents, holiday travel and extended medical care

A finance ministry document lays out the huge list of a magistrate’s privileges: special pensions, countless allowances, subsidized rents, state-paid holiday travel and extensive medical care. The document does not specify the budgetary impact of these unprecedented benefits among state employees.

The note of the Ministry of Finance was drawn up to warn that the processes opened by magistrates to retroactively increase their salaries – and, by way of consequence, also special pensions – could lead the Romanian state into insolvency, writes Defatt.ro

József Váradi, Wizz Air CEO: “We are ready if Tarom crashes

On a visit to Cluj-Napoca on Tuesday, József Váradi spoke to monitorulcj.ro reporters about the problems the company had to face this summer, about the problems at Tarom, but also what the county must do to become a hard-to-neglect competitor for the Budapest airport.

It is not the first time that the head of Wizz Air declares that Tarom is in “technical bankruptcy” and is “kept alive by all kinds of state and government aid”. Asked if Tarom will have the fate of Malev or Alitalia, Wizz Air will have the ability to fill the gap left, Varadi stated “certainly”, writes Monitorul de Cluj

The pinnacle of increasing royalties: only if those who owe them want it too

The PSD-PNL coalition government wants to start from 2023 to index the oil, mining and agricultural royalties owed by the concession companies in the mentioned sectors, year by year, with the inflation rate of the previous year. In August, the Minister of Finance, Marcel Boloș, aggressively declared that among the measures to reduce the budget deficit discussed in the coalition was the “considerable” increase in some of the royalties related to the concession for the exploitation of the state’s mineral resources, royalties that he characterized as being ″almost insignificant″ at present, writes Profit.ro.

Tazz surpassed Glovo Romania, in losses

The two main delivery applications on the Romanian market, Glovo and Tazz by eMag, continued their revenue growth, but, against the background of business expansion, they also increased their losses in their businesses in Romania, in 2022, the last in that our country was also marked by the state of alert COVID-19, the coronavirus pandemic being considered as the engine of the growth of internet trade and online deliveries.

The Spanish company Glovo continues to dominate the fast food delivery and app shopping business on the Romanian market, according to data recently published by the Ministry of Finance, for the fiscal year 2022. writes Startupcafe.ro

What share does Marcel Ciolacu have, the prime minister who fights with the bookies

Prime Minister Ciolacu announces a “crusade” against gambling and accuses pressure from the industry. The same prime minister approved negatively the law that takes gambling out of the towns. Europa Libera spoke to “Odette”, the character accused of putting pressure on the Prime Minister.

Europa Liberă spoke to Odeta Nestor, one of the two representatives of the betting and gambling industry (the second character is Sorin Constantinescu), who would try to reach the prime minister and other members of the Government or Parliament through intermediaries as to prevent a worse regulation of the field, as Marcel Ciolacu claims, writes Free Europe

The country as a booty: Struktur’s financial priorities. Legislation over Parliament’s head

On Tuesday, September 26, in the evening, the Ciolacu government sends the torpedo of fiscal measures into the private economy, aimed at bringing money to the State Budget.

On Wednesday, September 27, in the morning, the priority of spending the surplus money that is supposed to reach the Budget was found: the salaries and pensions of the magistrates – increased retroactively. Raised Not by law, but based on a court decision:

The Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM) issues an order increasing the so-called sectoral salary reference value, from 485 lei to 605 lei (an increase of 25%) – for all judges of all types of courts as well as for assistants judiciary. Date of application – from 31 December 2021 onwards – i.e. retroactively, writes CdG

Retrial in the case in which SO Vântu is claimed damages for damaging a bank (in liquidation)

The Supreme Court judges recently decided to resend to the Bucharest Court of Appeal the 6-year-old case in which Sorin Ovidiu Vântu is being sued for more than 3 million dollars because he allegedly damaged the Romanian Discount Bank. The claims were requested by the judicial liquidator of the bankrupt banking institution, namely the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund. How have the magistrates of two courts, the Tribunal and the Bucharest Court of Appeal, judged this litigation so far, find out in the Justnews article.

Stench in Baciu commune, complained by residents/The mayor of Baciu says that the smell comes from Napolact

Residents of the complexes on Transilvania street – Jupiter street in Baciu commune complain that, for several days, the area smells terribly, as it smelled in Cluj-Napoca, of fermented garbage or feces. The people reported to the Environmental Guard which, already exasperated after being bombarded on the same topic by Cluj, informed them that it had no powers in this direction and forwarded the people’s grievances to the town halls of Cluj-Napoca and Baciu but also to the Directorate of Public Health from Cluj-Napoca.

Moreover, the mayor of Baciu, János J. Balázs, says that he knows the situation and also the person responsible, pointing to the Napolact company, but that he cannot do anything because, administratively, it belongs to Cluj-Napoca and the municipality has little interest in solving the problems with the smell, writes Actual de Cluj

The oldest student in Romania, will receive his diploma in Heritage at almost 90 years old

The oldest student in Romania is 88 years old and entered the second year of his master’s degree at the “1 Decembrie 1918” University in Alba Iulia. Aurel Voicu, former mayor of Cugir, is now among the nearly 6,000 students from Alba.

Aurel Voicu, former PDL mayor and vice-mayor in the city of Cugir, mechanical engineer by profession, is currently in the second year of his master’s degree in “Research, preservation and valorization of historical heritage”.

“We are a university that, regardless of age, appreciates and values ​​every student equally. We have in the hall today, I think, the oldest student in Romania, at 88 and a half years old, Mr. Aurel Voicu”, stated the rector of the University, Daniel Breaz.

The elderly man from Cugir dedicated himself, in his retirement, to the creation of a city museum. In order to be able to collaborate legally, but also to deepen his knowledge in the field of history, Aurel Voicu decided to enroll in a master’s degree, where he studies for four semesters how to capitalize on historical heritage, writes CugirInfo

Policeman and military, accused of usury

A policeman and a military man seized a two-level house in Tătărași for only 90,000 euros. The family that sold the building claims that the transaction actually hid a loan and that police officer Mihai Gabriel Diaconescu and corporal Sorin Bungianu requested the return of a double amount, 180,000 euros. Diaconescu is a police officer at the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and the money he paid for the house on Ciric street does not appear in his wealth declarations. Corporal Bungianu was investigated for two charges of “threat”, but the Military Prosecutor’s Office dropped the prosecution. The former owners of the house in Tătăraşi claim that they only want to return the amount they received from Diaconescu and Bungianu and refuse to leave the house. In order to make them leave, the policeman Diaconescu disconnected the house from the gas and electricity, removed the board from the fence and blocked the sewer. Ten people live in the house: five adults and five children. “They were illegally connected to the sewer, that’s why the pipe was blocked,” claims police officer Diaconescu. However, it does not explain the origin of the money. “But what… do I have to include the money in the house in the declaration of wealth?”, says Diaconescu about the 45,000 euros he contributed to the purchase of the house, writes 7Iași.ro

I put the bots to solve problems in info, Mate and Romanian. “Do we need people who can write themselves or who can use AI?”

This is the question that Letitia Pârcălăbescu, a lecturer at Heidelberg University in Germany, specialized in machine learning, is asking. Together with her, we analyzed the solutions given to us by three applications that use artificial intelligence for mathematics, IT and Romanian language problems. I’ve learned from using them that if you want bots to solve your homework, you’re not guaranteed a good grade, but process skills can’t be denied. However, it is good to know that the “hand” of AI is difficult to detect, even by specific applications, writes School9

Who is holding Horatiu Cherecheș, accused of sexual abuse?!

New details come to light in the sexual scandal at the Oleg Danovski National Theater of Opera and Ballet, which centers on the master-choreographer Horațiu Cherecheș. Accused of sexual abuse in 2021, some employees claim that no one lifted a finger to solve the situation or investigate the case. The plaintiffs received no response to the requests sent, including to the Ministry of Culture. More than 2 years after the inspection carried out by the Control Body of the Minister of Culture, the signatories of the memorandum have not received a response. During all this time, Cherecheș continues his activity, including teaching at Ovidius University, within the Faculty of Arts. All this is possible with the support of the above-mentioned brother in the ministry to whom complaints have been addressed countless times, the theater employees also accuse, writes Replicaonline.ro

Malul Crișului Repede, “confiscated” by rich and influential people from Oradea, with villas in the vicinity

In Oradea, in the river protection area, several private pontoons have “grown”, under the nose of the authorities and without permits.

The most impressive one is used by the former judge Adina Cioflan and her husband, head of the Bihor Police, an arrangement that the ex-magistrate pretends, with gusto, that… he found it there.

Downstream from the water plant of Oradea, Crișul Repede flows through the houses of Oradea residents: on the left bank is the old Tocai neighborhood, and on the right bank are the imposing villas in Făcliei street. “That’s how I would like to live too!”, concluded the composer and former member of the band Iris Mihai Alexandru, a guest in one of the villas here. At the end of the property, several stars of Romanian music dined on a chic terrace raised above the Crișului and surrounded by ornamental trees, writes PressHub

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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