Price of the dollar today, February 5

MIAMI.- The Forex market showed another advance of the dollar against the Japanese Yen compared to the previous close. While Argentina’s official price continues to register periodic mini-devaluations to prevent the gap with the parallel Blue benchmark from continuing to widen.

In the European market, the price remains at 1.07, breaking the fixed exchange rate of the last six days of 1.08, which was recorded by DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS. The currency of the old continent is one of the most solid in the exchange market, where it is preserved as a refuge for investors

In the United Kingdom, the currency experienced a slight revaluation, going from 1.27 to 1.25 pounds sterling, a difference of 1.5%. The British currency remains “in its kingdom”, occupying a preferential place in the currency market, after recovering from its exit from the euro zone.

In Japan, investors had to contribute more yen to buy one dollar, going from 146.39 yen on February 2 to 148.74 yen per dollar today, February 5. A devaluation of 1.5%. However, this Asian currency, along with the dollar, the euro and the pound sterling, is one of the strongest in the Forex market.

dollar price

In Mexico, it registered a slight advance to 17.13 to 17.14 Mexican pesos in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF). In the Aztec nation, the Central Bank establishes the price guideline and this moves during the day in the buying and selling of the banks and serves as the exchange reference for the following day.

In Argentina, the issuing entity carries out periodic mini-devaluations to prevent the abyss between the Central Bank rate and the parallel rate from deepening. On the wholesale scale, Argentina’s main official reference, it stood at 876.62 compared to 871.93 Argentine pesos in the previous result.

The official exchange rate reduced the gap it maintained of more than 100% with the parallel currency, after the drastic increase implemented by President Javier Milei, in order to stabilize the economy. In the parallel currency of the so-called Blue dollar, which during the last administration set the tone in the economy, it now has a 34% advantage. In this area the rate remained stable at the levels of .1,180 Argentine pesos.

In Havana, the currency continues to be anchored at 24 Cuban pesos since March 2005 in the official rate, established by the Central Bank of Cuba. In the so-called parallel or black market, whose value is 12 times higher, it rose slightly when it reached 295 Cuban pesos compared to 290 last Friday.

Venezuela and Colombia

In Venezuela, the dollar suffered a very slight exchange rate slip in the official exchange rate, established by the Central Bank, to be valued at 36.29 bolivars compared to 36.24 on February 2, as DIARIO LAS AMÉRCIAS reported on the day. on February 2nd. While in the parallel structure it was quoted at 37.95, a decrease of 0.3% compared to the last close. Between the official rate and the parallel rate there is a differential of 4.5%

In Colombia, the American currency showed an advance of 1%, going from 3,889.05 to 3,928.11 Colombian pesos at the rate established by the Bank of the Republic. Annual inflation as of December was 9.28%, according to figures from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). Analysts estimated this figure to be higher, however, the government aimed for the price level to advance only 3% in 2023.

Source: With information from the Central Bank of the different countries and parallel structures

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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