Opposition presents motion of censure against president Dina Boluarte

LIMA.- The prosecutor’s office Peru opened a preliminary investigation against the president In Boluarte for alleged illicit enrichment, due to the use of undeclared Rolex watches, the agency reported.

The Attorney General’s Office ordered “preliminary proceedings against Dina Boluarte, President of the Republic, for the alleged commission of the crime of illicit enrichment and failure to record a statement in documents, for the use of Rolex brand watches,” indicated a statement from the Public ministry.

The interim prosecutor Juan Carlos Villena will be in charge of the investigation, initiated after revelations by the journalistic program “La Encerrona” last week.

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That medium indicated in a report that since she became vice president of the government of former President Pedro Castillo and Minister of Development and Social Inclusion in 2021, Boluarte has used several Rolex brand watches in various official activities.

The period analyzed by the program runs until December 2022, the month in which he assumed the presidency.

After the report, Boluarte pointed out last week that it is a watch “from yesteryear” and that it is the product of his “effort”, since he has been working since he was 18 years old.

“The article in particular is from yesteryear. I use it very occasionally and what I want to say: I have entered the Government Palace with clean hands and I will leave with clean hands, as I have promised the Peruvian people,” declared Boluarte, 61 years, last Friday.

The prosecution is already investigating Boluarte for the alleged crimes of “genocide, qualified homicide and serious injuries”, in a case opened last year for the death of more than 50 citizens “during social mobilizations between December 2022 and January 2023” .

Boluarte was questioned for the first time in March 2023 within the framework of that investigation.

If she is accused in any of these cases, the president cannot be put on trial until 2026 when her term ends, as established by the Constitution.

Source: AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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