Rafael Amargo, from prison: There is free mistreatment towards me

Since entering the Soto del Real prison at the beginning of November, Rafael Amargo He has not stopped being in the news due to the continuous complaints about his situation that the prison bars elicit from him. His admission to the penitentiary center was due to an alleged crime of drug trafficking and, especially, for having broken the precautionary measure that required him to appear in court every 15 days to sign his signature. Now, behind the bars, makes his particular complaintwhose latest turn has been the decision to adopt a hunger strike regime that has had to be abandoned for a worsening of your health.

This is what his wife pointed out, Luciana Bongianinoto the magazine Pronto. He had to abandon her (the hunger strike) for health reasons. In ten days he lost 10 kilos and contracted Covidso it was advisable that he stop fasting, he confessed, and then added a sincere and shocking: It has us all very worried.

In addition, Bongianino has also given the latest news about the bailaor’s trial. Your lawyer is preparing new documents to take them to the Provincial Court of Madrid in order to present a new appeal to be granted provisional release and can wait outside for the trial to take place, he said, referring to the court date that will take place between April 8 and 12.

A strike of almost three weeks

Amargo’s starving protest began its journey on January 4, as his lawyer made known, Ana Isabel Peain Fiesta. They weigh him every day to see if he is really losing weight or if he is failing to comply and they told him to choose: either you die, or you stop the hunger strike, the lawyer revealed a few days ago, adding to the description of her client that he is emaciated.

He also took advantage of the referee to contrast the harshness of the measure he had taken with the reasons that ended up imprisoning him in Soto del Real. There are no reasons for him to be in prison. I would say that it is rather a diabolical strategyis serving a sentence when he has not even been tried and they allege a flight risk when there has never been one because they went to trial, Pea specified.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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