Gathered in front of the entrance to their high schools, students punctuate their songs by banging on trash cans. Throughout France, high school students are very mobilized for the 9th day of action against the pension reform. This Thursday, March 23, some establishments are blocked for the first time since the start of the movement.

Blockades, rallies, demonstrations: dozens of high schools and universities are the scene of protest actions, at the call of various youth organizations.

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In Paris, access to several high schools was blocked by young people, often perched on garbage cans, in particular at Louis-le-Grand (5th arrondissement), Rodin (12th), Jules Ferry (9th), Racine (8th), Bergson or Brassens (19th).

The 49.3 does not pass

In front of Louis-le-Grand, 150 to 200 people were gathered, with placards “Macron resignation” or “Retirement Before Arthritis”chanting “Paris, Paris rise up”. “We disagree with various government actions, including the misuse of 49.3”said Emma, ​​a pupil of khâgne, 19 years old.

At the Rodin high school, a hundred young people organized a filtering barrage in front of the gates, where signs are hung “Room temperature: 49.3 C” or “Water boils at 100 degrees, people at 49.3”.

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“For a week, there has been a popular effervescence because the 49.3 does not pass. We continue to fight, we have no choice”explains Manès Nadel, Paris federal manager of La Voix lycéenne.

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The student union L’Aternative counted some 80 schools and universities mobilized in France, including around sixty blocked at least partially or occupied.

Assas blocked for the first time

The law school of Assas, in Paris, was notably blocked for the first time since the start of the movement on pensions, with a hundred students present in front of a banner “General strike, Assas the red”.

In Marseille, a rally was held on the forecourt of the Thiers high school (downtown) and access to the Saint-Charles university is blocked. “There is a lot of anger, also because of the custody of students and police repression”testifies Grégoire, a computer science student.

Pensions: 21.41% of striking teachers this Thursday, according to the Ministry of Education

In Lyon, the management of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) announced the cancellation of classes after the blocking of access to two sites.

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In Toulouse, the entrance to the University of Toulouse-Mirail was also blocked, according to students on site, as were Sciences Po Toulouse, the Insa engineering school and the Saint-Sernin high school (downtown). The other two faculties in the city, on the other hand, operate – despite a vote of students in GA the day before – due to an insufficient number of students mobilized.

In Rennes, several high schools were blocked and courses suspended at the University of Rennes-2, spearhead of the protest.


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