Berlin .
A lot will change for older people in 2023: retirement age and pensions, additional income rules and taxes. An overview.

A lot will change when it comes to retirement in 2023. Some things have been certain for a long time, such as the step-by-step increase in the age limit for regular retirement to 66 years. Those born in 1957 will retire at the age of 65 years and eleven months, but those born in 1958 will no longer retire in 2023, but at the earliest in 2024 at the age of 66. For those born later, the entry age will continue to increase until the regular age limit is 67 in 2031. Also interesting: New portal to make pension planning clearer

In contrast, the annual adjustment of retirement benefits is July 1st routine – meanwhile 2023 separated for the last time into east and west. The exact amount is still unclear. What is certain, however, is that by July 2024 at the latest, pensions in Germany should be calculated uniformly. What else pensioners should consider this year.

Part-time jobs for pensioners from 2023 more rewarding than ever

At the turn of the year it fell additional income limit for early retirement. A part-time job no longer leads to a reduction in pension. Advantage: A greater incentive to work. Early retirees are now treated on an equal footing with people who have reached normal retirement age.

As employees, early retirees are subject to compulsory pension insurance. You pay contributions, the pension account increases. the additional payment points pay off when you reach normal retirement age.

Attention: If you have a job until you retire, you have not entitled to unemployment benefit or sick payif the employer stops paying wages after six weeks in the event of illness.

According to the pension insurance, additional earnings limits remain with the so-called reduced earning capacity receive. When drawing a pension due to a partial disability, the limit is around EUR 35,650, with a full disability of around EUR 17,820 per year. also read: Basic pension for 1.1 million people – more money in 2023

Pension: Low tax burden because the basic amount increases

Anyone retiring in 2023 will have to pay a higher proportion of their tax pension. The taxable portion increases from 82 to 83 percent.

Overall, however, not more, but fewer seniors than before should be taxable. Despite the pension plus, they are not threatened with higher taxes because the basic tax allowance increases. It is 10,908 euros for single people, almost 600 euros more than in the previous year. For the same reason, as early as 2022 “around 80,000 taxpayers with pensions will no longer have to pay a tax burden,” according to the Federal Ministry of Finance. You might also be interested in: Pension: Shares for old-age security – the coalition (fmg) is planning this

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