Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) wants to station nuclear weapons with his Belarusian friend Alexander Lukashenko (left).Bild: AP / Dmitri Lovetsky


A week ago, Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin announced that he would station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. In response to increasing tensions between Russia and NATO in connection with the war of aggression on the Ukraine.

Specifically, Moscow was recently outraged about the possible delivery of uranium ammunition Great Britain an die Ukraine. In the meantime, Moscow has also announced exactly where these tactical nuclear weapons are to be stationed – the EU and one member country in particular may not like the location at all.

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Nuclear Weapons in Response to Tensions

Because Putin is probably planning to set up these nuclear weapons on the border with member state Poland. This was announced by the Russian ambassador in Minsk, Boris Gryzlov. The bunkers for the storage of these Waffen are needed should be completed by July 1st.

Gryzlov praised the fact that the planned stationing of nuclear weapons in Belarus had already caused “a lot of noise” in Western media. “Finally it’s being noticed that there should be some parity”he said, referring to the allegation of the Russian leadership that USA would have stationed their own nuclear weapons in Europe and thereby provoked Moscow.

The presence of US nuclear bombs in several European countries does not suit Putin at all. There is no official information about this. However, it should continue to be used in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Deutschland Store nuclear weapons – also in the Asian part of Türkiye.

In general, there are still nine countries in the world that have nuclear weapons: the USA, Russia, China, France and Britain are official nuclear powers – Israel, India, North Korea and Pakistan are considered “de facto” nuclear powers. They all trust in the balance of terror. Should one country press the red button and launch a strategic nuclear bomb, another country would send back a bomb – the apocalypse.

Tactical nuclear weapons, on the other hand, have a lower yield. So if ignited, they wouldn’t reduce the world to rubble. Nevertheless, they should not be underestimated. Because: The weapons still produce a mushroom cloud and a fireball that would burn everything within range – and tactical weapons also radiate them Environment.

(With material from the dpa)


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