Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, suffers from skin cancer

Sarah Ferguson, ex-wife of Prince Andrew, the little brother of King Charles III, has been diagnosed with one of the most aggressive skin cancers. that exist, as has been advanced The Sun. Apparently, the detection of the disease was derived from surgery to remove several moles and, after analyzing the lumps, the dermatologist detected that one of them was cancerous.

Ferguson is undergoing further investigation to ensure this was caught in the early stages. Clearly, Another diagnosis so early after breast cancer treatment has been distressing for her, but the Duchess remains in good spirits.explains a statement issued by a spokesperson.

Grateful for all the doctors’ work and relieved that the melanoma was detected as soon as possible, Ferguson wanted to emphasize the importance of checking the size, shape, color, texture and appearance of new moles that may be a sign of melanoma.. In recent weeks, Ferguson has been undergoing treatment at a clinic in Austria.

Diagnosed with breast cancer six months ago

About six months ago, Sarah Ferguson was diagnosed with breast cancer thanks to a routine mammogram. The disease was in an early stage of evolution and the surgery could be completed successfully.

Since she learned about her illness, she became a kind of champion in search of raising awareness about the importance of medical check-ups. It is very important to talk about that. I don’t care if no one wants to hear from me. I tell people from here because I want every person who listens to this podcast to go and get a checkup, she commented on her own show Tea Talks with the Duchess and Sarah.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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