You are currently viewing Shocking incident in the Capital: He stole a car from the parking lot of a mall, after hitting the driver.  The man was caught by the police, with gunfire, after a race on DN1

​A 38-year-old man was detained by the police on Sunday, after hitting a woman in the parking lot of a mall in the Capital and then stealing her car. Then there was a race with the Police on his trail on the DN1, between Bucharest and Ploiești. He was caught in the area of ​​the Ciolpani commune, after the law enforcement forces used their weapons. The police have filed a criminal case for aggravated robbery.

Police carPhoto: © Vlad Ispas |

In a statement broadcast on Sunday evening, the General Directorate of Police of the Municipality of Bucharest (DGPMB) informs that it was notified, by the Police Section 2, regarding the fact that “from the parking lot of a commercial complex, in Sector 1, a car, by a man”.

“The operative group from the Motor Vehicle Theft Service went to the scene, to start the investigations”, says DGPMB.

The information provided by the Capital Police:

  • “From the administered evidence, it emerged that, today, around 09.30, while he was in the parking lot of a commercial complex, in Sector 1, a 38-year-old man, by using violence on a woman (through that he would have hit her with the car when leaving the scene), stole a car from her possession.
  • Later, near a shop, he stopped to remove the license plates of the car in question, which he threw away.
  • The man continued his journey, on the București-Ploiești Highway, in the direction of Ploiești, being spotted and immobilized, using weapons, by the policemen from the IPJ Ilfov-Rutier Service, within the radius of the Ciolpani locality”.

The Capital Police states that in this case, the police officers of the Vehicle Theft Service have drawn up a criminal file, in terms of committing the crime of aggravated robbery, under the coordination of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the 1st District Court.

“Following the administration of probation, the man was detained by the police for 24 hours. On September 25, 2023, it will be presented to the court, with legal proposals”, informs the DGPMB.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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