Sinister Six |  Sony has resumed development of the film, says insider

According to insider Daniel Richtman, Sony has resumed development on the film from Sinister Six.

The twist is that, this time, the project is supposedly thought of as a crossover between its Spider-Man derivatives, such as Venom, Morbius, Madame Teia e The demands, o Caador.

Something like a “Avengers” with some of the characters presented in these productions.

Obviously, for now, everything is just a rumor.

The film of Sinister Six was originally announced as a spin-off of the franchise The spectacular Spider Manwhen Andrew Garfield was still the Spider man.

The project was placed “in the fridge” when the Sony lent the rights of Spider man to the Marvel Studiostaking verse from Tom Holland.

However, the studio has always made it clear that the project could still happen one day.

Also read about Spider-Man

Madame Teia will be the next film in the extended universe of Spider man arriving in cinemas, specifically in February 14, 2024. After that, it will be the The requirements by Aaron Taylor-Johnson hits theaters on August 30th, setting the stage for Tom Hardy complete the trilogy Venom em November 8th.

Com Tom Holland guaranteed, Spider-Man 4 It’s in pre-production and an official announcement is just a matter of time.

There is even an expectation that something will be said about the film at CCXP 2023.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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