Sofa Suescun shows the result of her new aesthetic operation: I'm crying

Sofa Suescun has reappeared on her Instagram profile a few hours after undergoing a new aesthetic operation, nothing more and nothing less than an ultrasonic rhinoplasty. The one who was the winner of Big Brother and Survivors traveled to Tenerife in the company of her boyfriend Kiko Jiménez to put an end to one of its biggest complexes: the nose. Through his social networks he has recounted his experience and shown the result of the intervention.

Obtaining an improvement in a nose that is already in good condition is not easy, the doctor specialized in cosmetic surgery previously explained. You already have a pretty nose, but you’re going to be even prettier, her mother Maite Galdeano told her before heading to the Canary Islands. After the operation, The influencer has informed her more than two million followers that everything has gone great and that it has been a success.


  • The influencer and television collaborator has shared different models on her Instagram account and has received a lot of criticism for one in particular.

  • Sofa Suescun shows the result of her new aesthetic operation: I'm crying

    The influencer has become the object of all criticism after sharing her first aesthetic touch-up. Ya son 27 at y if noticed, if justified.

For his part, Kiko Jimnez confesses that he was moved when he saw the result. It has been incredible. I can’t describe it here, I can only thank the doctor. You are an artist, wrote the television collaborator. My daughter has the best nose in the world. The doctor has left her the nose of a Hollywood actressGaldeano insists.

The result

After waking up from anesthesia, Sofa Suescun wrote: What I’m seeing is not real. Please someone pinch me. I’m crying right now. Likewise, this Saturday he published a comparative photograph of before and after undergoing surgery. A refinement that makes a difference, adds Dr. Blas Garca, specialized in this type of touch-ups.

Sofa Suescun undergoes ultrasonic rhinoplasty (Instagram)


Sofa Suescun undergoes ultrasonic rhinoplasty (Instagram)

Sofa Suescun’s last controversy

Sofa Suescun starred last September one of his most controversial polemics. And the young woman published a message on her social networks that many of the members of her community did not like, related to Botox and hyaluronic acid.

This is strong for me. I have deflowered myself when it comes to Botox and hyaluronic acid. It’s been 27 years and it shows. “I am looking forward to showing you what I have done and how the team has done it,” he wrote without imagining the wave of criticism he would receive. Many users accused him of creating complexes and unattainable beauty standards.

Another day of influencers promoting unattainable beauty standards and creating complexes. The fact that one’s age is noticeable is no problem, it is worse that one’s stupidity is noticeable, replies a user on X, the old Twitter. 27 years? I blamed her a lot more, She’ll notice it, She has some wrinkles at 27 years old… People get obsessed with every stupid thing, Btox so soon… ending up deformedIf it starts, I don’t want to imagine what it will be like to be 50 years old…, are some of the other reviews that can be read on the same platform.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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