Sonsoles denies and his striking observation about Cristina Pedroche's physique: If I gain weight, nothing happens

2023 lives his last days of life. After opening Santa’s gifts, now it’s time to say goodbye to the year with the traditional Chimeswhich many will follow through the main chains of our country such as Antenna 3which will have again Cristina Pedroche and Alberto Chicote as guides to avoid choking on grapes. For the eighth consecutive year, The tandem of presenters will welcome the New Year from one of the balconies of Madrid’s Puerta del Sol.

The protagonists of this special night visited the set of And now Sonsoles to share details and aspects about what the broadcast will be like. One of the big unknowns, like every year, is the dress that Cristina Pedroche will wear to say goodbye to the year with the Antena 3 audience despite the leak of some images about what her dress will be like. outfit to say goodbye to 2023.

Sonsoles denies I was pleasantly surprised with the physique of the Vallecana, who recently gave birth to her first daughter (Laia). You are super thin, I have to tell youto which she responded: I’m fine. Breastfeeding also causes you to sleep less. It leaves you more sucked. Everything is for the girl, he pointed out. The presenter went further and was interested in knowing if this weight reduction was due to the dress she would wear. Is it because of the suit?I asked. No! This year nothing happens if I gain weight or lose weight. No problemhe stated emphatically.

I haven’t eaten grapes in ten years.

Pedroche also shared the conditions he imposed on Antena 3 to say goodbye to the year from Puerta del Sol. The first is that they let her run the San Silvestre Vallecana and the second is that she wears the outfit she wants to say goodbye to the year. Chicote surprised by revealing how long he hasn’t eaten the grapes. I haven’t eaten grapes in ten years. It is something that is non-negotiable, you eat the grapes and I count them. The Vallecan woman claimed to have considered taking little Laia to Puerta del Sol, but she will not do it for the well-being of her daughter.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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