Meanwhile, Schorn embarks on a very special train journey and immerses himself in the world of the people who keep the train running day after day despite numerous weak points. He talks to train drivers, service staff and dispatchers about the railway system and tries to find out why so much goes wrong despite careful planning. He’s also looking for ways to improve. Thorsten Schorn’s search for solutions took him all the way to Switzerland, whose regular timetable is highly regarded throughout Europe.

The special program wants to show the problems behind the processes at Deutsche Bahn, question them critically and identify constructive solutions. Reports on the experiences of rail travelers, entertaining clips and expert interviews that help to put things into perspective. Finally, Peter Kloeppel confronts Bahn CEO Richard Lutz with the results and asks him if he can understand why people get a strange feeling about his bonus payment in March, which was worth millions. At 10:35 p.m. a “stern TV special”, also now postponed for a week, with the train and current topics of the week.

“Anyone can complain about the railways. The aim of the show is to explain why so much is going wrong on the railways,” explains Peter Kloeppel, adding: “We want to break down and illustrate the complexity of our railway system for our viewers. We take a look behind the scenes and let a train driver explain to us, for example, why he often runs behind schedule and has to constantly try to make time in. 3D graphics and animations help to understand why our rail network is so error-prone and how these delays occur.”


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