Spotify incorporates a tool that generates playlists with AI

MADRID.- Spotify has expanded the tools with artificial intelligence (AI) that offers in its platform of streaming of music so that premium subscription users can create playlists with which to discover new songs and artists.

Ai Playlist is a new tool that Spotify has incorporated into its platform in beta, initially for Premium users in the United Kingdom and Australia, both on iOS and Android.

Spotify news

This tool opens a chat from the user’s library, in which they can write a description of the music they want to listen to and obtain a playlist adapted to their request.

The generative AI tool supports descriptions such as “relaxing music to help me through allergy season” or “a playlist that makes me feel like the main character,” with references to “places, animals, activities, movie characters , colors and even emojis.

According to Spotify on its official blog: “the most successful playlists are generated with prompts that contain a combination of genres, moods, artists or decades.”

The technology company began working on this tool at the end of last year, when the first clues were seen in the app’s code, after introducing functions based on generative AI, such as a DJ tool that recommends and comments on songs.

Source: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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