In this life there are bad people, villains, mean people and then this man comes. A team left a 7-year-old boy —his fan— score a goal in one of their matches. The boy drove the ball unimpeded into the opponent’s goal, but the rival goalkeeper stopped his shot twice. Twice!

Rival goalkeeper avoids a child’s goal on his birthday / Capture the video of @latercera (Youtube)

He video of the child’s attempt to score a goal on his birthday turned viral on social networks, but not because of the moving nature of the scene, but because of the indignation generated by the rival goalkeeper by preventing it.

They let a boy score a goal on his birthday and the rival goalkeeper avoids it
Rival goalkeeper avoids a child’s goal on his birthday / Capture the video of @latercera (Youtube)

A goalkeeper prevents a child from scoring a goal on his birthday and earns the hate of the internet

It happened in the Hungarian football league. Last Monday, March 13, the MTK Budapest faced the VTK Diosyor (Diósgyőr VTK) at home and prepared something special. They let a birthday boy onto the pitch at kickoff to score a goal.

The little one is called Enok Varga and that day he turned 7 years old, according to reports infobaehence the club wanted to celebrate it by allowing him to fulfill his dream of scoring a goal at his team’s stadium and at a professional game.

They let a boy score a goal on his birthday and the rival goalkeeper avoids it
Rival goalkeeper avoids a child’s goal on his birthday / Capture the video of @latercera (Youtube)

Everything was going well then the opposing players let the boy run with the ball up to his bow without any hindrance. The problem was that the rival goalkeeper just did not agree with the detail for the little one for his birthday and, applying a Gignac, he stopped his shot.

They let a boy score a goal on his birthday and the rival goalkeeper avoids it
Rival goalkeeper avoids a child’s goal on his birthday / Capture the video of @latercera (Youtube)

He stopped his shot twice and the video is very sad

Ok, he was wrong, they didn’t warn him, it was pure instinct… many reasons could justify that the opposing goalkeeper has saved the shot. But the worst thing was the boy ran with everything after the ball to try again: fired again and again the goalkeeper prevented the goal.

here is the video of the painful moment where the rival goalkeeper denied the goal to the boy on his birthday.

The match ended 4-2 in favor of MTK Budapestso life charged the goalkeeper that same day.


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