You are currently viewing Susi Caramelo ironically about the cancellation of ‘Chinese Tales’

The life of Chinese stories The broadcast has been shorter than intense. From day one it was clear that the audience and the format presented by Jorge Javier Vazquezwhose objective was to dispute the throne that The Anthill owned for years, they went their separate ways. It took six programs to lose one day a week, which the Fuencarral network considered giving up to VIP Big Brother to refloat some adrift data, and only ten have passed until their definitive cancellation. The fall has been rapid, like a bowling ball thrown from the fourth floor, and has dragged several collaborators with it.

Among them is Susi Caramela regular comedian on the program who, far from mourning the farewell, has used irony to say goodbye to a space whose death was announced. The former collaborator has addressed the format produced by La Fábrica de la Tele through Instagramwhere he shared a post with three images of three moments he experienced on the Telecinco set.

“Hoping for the second one to be recorded”

Below, a message. “I hope you liked the first season of Chinese Tales, and I look forward to the second season being recorded.”, He has written. Sarcasm made public. That second delivery will not arrive because Mediaset made the decision to ‘close the blinds’ on the program. The statement in this regard was transparent: it was not a season finale, but rather a broadcast finale. It wasn’t a see you later, it was a see you forever.

The comments on the publication have given a good account of the reality that the program was going through. “The important thing is that you come out hot! Good job, Su!”said the also comedian Valeria Ros. “Well, I had a great time seeing you. I’m sure that TardeAR “he signs you into his ranks”has written another television, Nagore Robles. Another user was less pious: “You get what you deserve working with that production company and that presenter.” But the hatred does not reach the ears of Susi Caramelo who, between jokes and ironies, states that she takes nothing but good memories from this adventure called Chinese stories.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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