Facundo Lemosthe rapper who was arrested after being accused by his ex-partner Sofia Tummo Espinoza (22) after having thrown her from the balcony of a third floor in La Plata, he refused to testify and will remain detained and prosecuted for attempted femicide. The next month will be key in the framework of the investigation, since that is the period that the investigating prosecutor’s office has to request or not the preventive detention of the accused, which would leave him behind bars until the case is debated in oral trial.

The fiscal Lacki’s femalehead of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 2 of La Plata, considered in the arrest warrant that Lemos “gave (Tummo) blows with his fist in different parts of his body, calming down for a moment, when the victim went to the window and prepared to light a cigarette, at which time the subject, without mediating word, approached, took her by the neck and, with the clear intention of killing her, threw her into the void”.

The cause, which was initially investigated as an alleged suicide attempt, took a turn in the last hours as a result of the accusation that Sofía made against Lemos after recovering and remembering what happened after several weeks. After that, the rapper nicknamed “Over” or “Drunk” was arrested on Sunday and was investigated by prosecutor Lacki.

The event occurred on March 28 in an apartment located on the third floor of the building located at 44 between 1 and 2, meters from the La Plata Train Station.

As recorded by the security cameras of the block, The young woman fell into the void on the sidewalk and suffered serious injuries for which she was admitted to the San Martín Hospital, where it was determined that she had multiple injuries, a fractured pelvis, cervical spine, and scapula, for which she underwent surgery and remained unconscious. for almost a month.

During that time, Lemos declared that it was the young woman who threw herself into the void of her own free will and, despite being initially delayed, was released a few hours after the event occurred. But two weeks ago, Sofía regained consciousness and declared that it was her partner who violently pushed her off the balcony. The version was corroborated with medical reports and witnesses who said that the couple was arguing that night, for which the prosecutor Lacki requested the arrest of the defendant. In this context, the young woman’s lawyer, Emiliano Nunezadvanced in this sense that, although the cover was changed, the prosecution will be asked to add in the case “the aggravating circumstance of treachery.”

Lemos, who defined himself in the investigation as a “carpenter, juggler and musician”, had been in a relationship with Sofía for 8 months.

The victim’s mother Guadalupe Espinosa Avenuegave a heartbreaking testimony of how everything happened and said that Sofía spent 18 days in intensive care and 5 in a coma and that “there she did not remember what had happened, but once in the room, when she began to walk, she woke up one day with a panic attack and remembered everything that happened in great detail.

The woman said that during the 8 months that the relationship between her daughter and Lemos lasted, they had had episodes of violence, in which he “went to his hands”, but this time “he marked her and wanted to kill her” and added that, while the young woman was hospitalized, Lemos “went out to rap, to live on Instagram, went to the field, went out to bars with friends with total impunity.”

In addition, he said that the blows his daughter had were not the result of the fall, but that Lemos “hit her inside the apartment” and He remarked that he “grabbed her by the neck, threw her out the window, Sofía even grabbed a cable, he looked at her and let her fall”. “We are asking for Justice. She is a femicide,” the woman emphasized.


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