Vice President Cristina Kirchner ratified this Tuesday that she will not be a candidate for president in the next elections. She did so in a lengthy letter titled To colleagues and companionswhich he published on his networks.

“I already said it on December 6, 2022. I will not be a mascot of power for any candidacy”, warned Cristina, at the same time that she summoned Peronism to “the construction of a government program that makes Argentine men and women fall in love again“.

The text was published minutes after the end of the National Congress of the Justicialista Party, which was held this Tuesday at the Ferro Carril Oeste micro-stadium.

CFK spoke of the Court ruling that deprived several provinces of holding elections and related it to his decision. “I will not enter the perverse game that is imposed on us with a democratic façade so that those same judges, perched today on the Court, issue a ruling disqualifying me or directly removing any candidacy that I can hold, for leave Peronism in absolute fragility and weakness facing the electoral contest”.

He dedicated a section of his text to the opposition: “Faced with a right whose only proposal is to snatch rights, Peronism continues to be the political space that guarantees the defense of the interests of the people and the Nation.”

full text

In this year 2023, we celebrate 40 years of uninterrupted Democracy in our country. However, an important part of the citizenry does not feel represented or contained in their aspirations, in a Democracy that was lost economically, degraded socially and has begun to break down politically and institutionally. With anger and disappointment appears what I called “democratic dissatisfaction” some time ago.

The loss of economic Democracy began in 2016 when the Cambiemos government, recently inaugurated, began a brutal new cycle of external indebtedness that would culminate in the return of the International Monetary Fund through an unusual, unprecedented and political loan. , whose objective was not only to help that “friendly government” win the elections, but also to allow speculative investment funds to withdraw in dollars.

The story that followed is the same as always with the Fund in our country: intervenes, takes the helm of the Argentine economy, imposes its economic program and the uncontrolled inflationary process in Argentina is triggered again. Chance is not a political category and, therefore, it is not by chance that neither of the two Presidents who accepted the IMF program retain electoral aptitude. However, in politics there is causality and the determining factor is the economy.

In this framework of brutal dollar indebtedness, the bi-monetary nature of the Argentine economy, which is added to the already historical external restriction and the compulsion to create assets in dollars abroad, inevitably turns our country’s current account into the red. that, faced with a shortage of dollars, always ends with uncontrolled inflation, exchange runs against the national currency, devaluation and more inflation. Thus, it is impossible for any government to reasonably manage the natural distributive struggle for income and it turns inflation into the most phenomenal instrument for transferring resources from the whole of society to the richest and most concentrated sectors of the economy that seize that extraordinary income. in a framework of tax laxity. In light of the history of our country and except for very precise periods of government, nothing new under the sun.

In addition, it is unavoidable to point out the catastrophic consequences of the pandemic, not only in the health and social spheres but also in the economic sphere, with the deepening of the concentration of income and the growth of poverty. We didn’t come out better from the pandemic.

For those who keep repeating that monetary is the only cause of inflation, and who still retain some critical investigative spirit, I invite you to see the graphs on the evolution of the Monetary Base at constant prices and as a percentage of GDP, published by the Banco Center every month.

Once economic democracy is over, social democracy and the Peronist paradigm are degraded of upward social mobility. For the first time in Argentina we observe how a low unemployment rate (6.3%) coexists with a high level of poverty (40%). In this way, we find workers in a dependency relationship who are poor and the emergence of a dual society, where one part has access to all goods and services and the other, the majority, sees its possibilities of progress significantly reduced or, directly, lacks they.

In these 40 years of uninterrupted democracy we have also gone through two extremely serious economic and social crises: in 1989 with hyperinflation and in 2001 with the fall of convertibility. The latter also included an institutional crisis in which 5 Presidents succeeded each other in one week, which was resolved within the framework of the National Constitution. However, at none of these moments was the Democratic Pact approved by referendum in October 1983 questioned, by which neither political violence against the adversary nor electoral proscription would be elements of political action.

Today, the ghosts of the past have returned to the Argentine political reality. During the year 2022 we saw how the verbal and symbolic violence that, for years had been being implanted in society by the hegemonic media, materialized in the street through the actions of violent groups that attacked, insulted and threatened to kill with burial bags, guillotines, torches, stones and escraches. The objective of these groups was absolutely directed. It was not against all the political parties or all the leaders, as in the 2001 crisis. It was against Peronism or Kirchnerism, as you like.

The culmination of this action took place on September 1, 2022, in front of my private house when, accompanied by God and the Virgin and surrounded by colleagues, they attempted on my life. Surprisingly, after the frustrated assassination, those groups that organized and weekly lashed out, scolded and threatened, disappeared as if by magic. This undoubtedly confirms the premeditated nature and lacking any hint of spontaneity of the political violence of these groups. They were promoted and financed by the opposition and the hegemonic media guaranteed them extensive media coverage.

“The bullet that did not go out and the ruling that will go out” was the headline of the Clarín newspaper, by Héctor Magnetto, the main powerhouse for spreading hatred towards me and my family; in a kind of lament for the failure of the assassination, but anticipating the ruling that a few days later exponents of the Judicial Party would hand down against me and whose condemnatory result I publicly announced three years before when the trial known as the public works of National Highway began. The conviction and disqualification in said cause has a single political and electoral translation: the proscription.

As I have been arguing for a long time, it is not just about the banning of a person, but about Peronism. Although some, out of pettiness or mediocrity, denied it by resorting to legal technicalities, reality once again confirmed it.

Last week, after an electorally adverse weekend for Juntos por el Cambio and objectively favorable for Peronism, the Court suspended the elections for governor of the provinces of Tucumán and San Juan, just 72 hours after the beginning of the electoral ban. and with a clear political objective: harm Peronism and cover up their own crimes. On the same day and at the same time that this ruling was handed down, in the Political Trial Commission of the National Chamber of Deputies they were denouncing both the scandal of the social work of the Judiciary that involves one of the members of this Court , such as the illicit enrichment of its President. Each and every one of these facts I mentioned on July 18, 2022 in the document “From the exemplary court to the court of the four: a brief chronicle of decadence”.

It is that when I spoke of the proscription in December 2022, it was not in the exercise of divinatory arts, but with the understanding of the historical stage that we are going through. Just as three people did it with the provinces of Tucumán and San Juan, have no doubt that they will do it against me in order to prevent Peronism from participating in the democratic process, or weaken it, leading us to a dead end.

I already said it on December 6, 2022. I will not be a pet of power for any candidacy. I have shown, like nobody else, to privilege the collective project over personal location. I am not going to enter into the perverse game that they impose on us with a democratic façade so that those same judges, perched today in the Court, issue a ruling disqualifying me or directly removing any candidacy that I may hold, to leave Peronism in absolute fragility and weakness in the face of the electoral contest. Recent events have proved me right.

It was not a hasty decision or a product of the moment, but a reasoned and thoughtful decision. I know them, I know how they think, how they act and how they are going to act. I have seen them throughout history and experienced their game firsthand and that of my family, with a persecution tied with surgical precision to the electoral calendar.

Since 2016, the Judicial Party has functioned as a Task Force of Together for Change and the concentrated economic groups to produce the elimination of their political adversaries. They provoke us from this façade of mutilated justice and democracy and they want us to fall into the terrain they want: violence and intolerance. They treat us as enemies and use phrases like “eliminate us” or “end Kirchnerism.” We are not that and we firmly believe that in Democracy there are adversaries, not enemies.

We must be intelligent to get out of this labyrinth and break the trap into which they want to lead us: that we have a candidacy prohibited by the Judicial Party. Because, faced with a right whose only proposal is to snatch rights, Peronism continues to be the political space that guarantees the defense of the interests of the people and the Nation.

Faced with this situation, it is essential -more than ever- to build a government program that will make Argentine men and women fall in love again, and convince them that a better country is not only possible but also desirable. A government program that is necessary not only for Peronism, but for the democratic system as a whole.

And as for those who demand the disappearance of Peronism or Kirchnerism -like a caricature of the “final solution” for Argentina-, after 40 years of Democracy I recommend that you pay attention to history and to the long list of “vernacular exterminators” that They could never convince the Argentines that eating well four times a day is an ideological question; that having a decent place to live and watch your children grow, study and progress is for populists; or that decent work and wages is an old belief. To them I say: they could not and will not end the memory or the dreams of millions of Argentines and Argentines to live in a free nation, whose people progress in order and are happy.

I embrace you all from the heart, as always.


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