getting old is an inevitable process in lifea physiological process in which cells and tissues begin to deteriorate over time and may be accompanied by other changes such as decreased muscle mass or increased bone weakness, especially after menopause in women. But although in Spain we still do not know the ultimate formula for eternal youthYes, there are some tips and daily habits with which you can help look younger and prevent premature aging naturally.

And it is that, after discovering the event that accelerates aging in women according to Harvard, this time we want to talk to you about Some factors that may be influencing negatively in this process and that you can avoid by incorporating other healthier habits. Read on to find out daily habits What should you change to delay aging?

Daily habits that will help you slow down aging

Here we detail some of the daily habits that you can change and include in your day to day to deal with premature aging. Habits among which are some as beneficial as following a healthy and balanced diet or including daily physical exerciseeven so, for this we encourage you to always put yourself in the hands of A professional with which you can adapt both the diet and the level and type of exercises to your particular state of health and needs.

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Physical exercise

A habit as simple as walking for half an hour every day can be more than enough to ensure a more active lifestyle and improve our physical condition. And it is that physical exercise not only helps to improve general health, but also directly influences the aging process.

In fact, according to a study published in Rejuvenation Researchexercise could mitigate many of the harmful effects of aging, such as loss of muscle mass and the appearance of certain neurodegenerative diseases.

Good rest

As we add years, the dream It can change for natural reasons. However, getting enough and good rest is important so that the body can recover from the day and have the energy to start the next.

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Another study published in Clinical and Experimental Dermatologyevidence how lack of sleep could be related to signs of premature aging and less satisfaction with appearance.

Weight and healthy eating

Eating a balanced diet and having a healthy weight are two other fundamental factors in delaying premature aging and promoting health. For this, it it is better that you forget about the miracle diets that can worsen your health and that you focus all your efforts on maintaining a balanced diet rich in healthy fats, vitamins and antioxidants.

A diet in which there is no shortage of oily fish, nuts, avocado, spinach, eggs… You can also increase the consumption of vitamin C, which you will find in fruits such as kiwi, strawberries or oranges. Since this vitamin will help the formation of collagen and delay, therefore, the premature aging of the skin.

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No tobacco and alcohol

If you smoke and you had previously considered quitting, you already have the perfect excuse to do so. And it is that, both the consumption of tobacco and alcohol can reduce collagen and elastin levels, while promoting dehydration of the skin. Hence, smokers tend to have more wrinkles and worse aging.

On the other hand, alcohol can worsen the dilation of the capillaries and generates more free radicals, great allies of premature aging.

Drinking water

Drinking water and hydrating yourself enough daily (at least eight glasses a day) is much more important than you might imagine, since aging is precisely closely linked to dehydration. Also, drinking water will help eliminate toxins.

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Put stress aside

Negative emotions, anxiety and stress can also have important effects on our body and that is that all of them can cause deterioration in the body. In fact, a study published in Dermatology Online Journal has suggested that stress puts the body on alertand this process causes the skin and other tissues to be progressively affected.

Use sunscreen every day

Protecting the skin from the sun’s rays is essential to protect it, not only during the summer months, but also during the rest of the year and to prevent the skin from showing those signs of premature aging. Such a simple gesture can help you prevent the skin from presenting wrinkles, blemishes or dehydration.

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Moisturizes the skin

In addition to protecting it with sun protection or drinking enough water daily, it is important that your daily beauty routine does not lack a good cleaning and hydration so that the skin does not suffer so much over time.

To hydrate it, you can use moisturizing creams, combined with facial tonic, vegetable oils or others. natural products and remediesthat can help you promote proper skin cleansing and hydration.

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