Selena Gmez shares a photo on her Instagram stories and reflects on her change.

Comparing the beginnings of any relationship to a spy game is not crazy at all. All first dates are full of mystery, fascination, confusing signals, adrenaline and an imminent danger of ruining that Paradise Lost that we project in our romance. As if we were a CIA agent, we try to decipher secret codes in a good morning message or a post on social networks, we rack our brains to interpret a look as if our life depended on it, we look for the touch of a hand with surgical precision. or some open flank like a sniper to shoot a kiss. In the same way, when the relationship is established, the complicated process begins of gradually removing the shields we have, laying down our weapons and inspecting that minefield that we have created to defend ourselves from any intruder. Looking at it from this perspective, is there anything more dangerous and complex than life as a couple? Without fear of being wrong, we can affirm that this question gives rise to the premise of Mr. & Mrs. Smiththe new Prime Video series.

Based on the 1996 series (which, in turn, was the inspiration for the famous 2005 film of the same name with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), the story tells the story of Jane Smith (Maya Erskine) and John Smith (Donald Glover). ), two spies who are recruited by a top secret intelligence agency to carry out dangerous missions. The twist is that they both have diametrically opposed personalities and must pretend that they are a perfect marriage while facing life or death situations. A process that will lead Jane and John to know each other deeply and develop a genuine relationship that will be put to the test in each of the crazy tasks assigned to them by their mysterious boss.

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Maya Erskine and Donald Glover, the protagonists of the new Amazon Prime series, Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

Prime Video/COURTESY

Although it seems like it is just another reboot, Mr. & Mrs. Smith is far from its predecessor and from the first episode it makes it clear. Francesca Sloane and Donald Glover use a premise that is familiar to us, but they develop it by focusing on the relationship that the protagonists are building. As the titles of each of its episodes make clear (First date, Second date, First vacation, Double date, Do you want to have children?, Couples therapy, Infidelity and A breakup), the common thread of the story follows the evolution of John and Jane’s marriage (which begins as something fictitious and gradually transforms into a strong and real bond). Espionage, action sequences and dangers only serve as an excuse to create scenarios where both have to show their most vulnerable parts, test their trust and, ultimately, become stronger as a couple. Of course, these vicissitudes do not come alone: ​​the conflicts are created by a galley of extravagant characters (embodied by luxury stars such as Paul Dano, Ron Perlman, John Turturro, Michaela Coel, Sarah Paulson, Wagner Moura, among others) who seek to interfere directly or indirectly in the life of marriage, putting them to the test.

Despite the detractors in the casting choice (based on prejudices about inclusion), the undeniable success of the series lies in the wonderful performances of Maya Erskine y Donald Glover which, against all odds, do not rely on their typical comedy register, opting for an interpretation closer to drama with touches of almost involuntary black humor. Both give the vibe of being so dissimilar that it seems impossible that they could build something together. She is cold, introverted and extremely serious; He she is outgoing, playful and reckless. Of course, the odd couple dynamic is the order of the day, but without falling into the clichés of slapstick comedy or parody. Another point in favor of the protagonists is that they both completely break with the predesigned image we have of secret agents (who must be beautiful and perfect): Jane and John are two normal people, they have debts to pay, emotional and physical insecurities, a complex relationship with your

past and make mistakes in all kinds of situations. Thanks to this naturalness where the scriptwriters put the accent, we feel a deep empathy for the protagonists and we allow ourselves to be seduced by their charisma. That’s why we spend more time with Jane and John doing everyday things (like talking about life in bed, cooking, coffee, or a market) than on a battlefield shooting or fighting hand-to-hand with enemies. villains.


Maya Erskine and Donald Glover, the protagonists of the new Prime Video series, Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

Maya Erskine and Donald Glover, the protagonists of the new Prime Video series, Mr. & Mrs. Smith.


In the same way that the script of each chapter takes the time to explore the complicity of Jane and John between conversations, looks and gestures, the direction also builds its own rhythm and personality. Far from putting accents on jokes with composition or editing, the camera always focuses on bringing us closer to the protagonists and letting things happen naturally. Like the scriptwriters, part of the directors and technical team also worked with Francesca Sloane and Donald Glover in Atlanta (such as Hiro Murai in the direction or Christian Sprenger in the cinematography), which guarantees a solid imprint in the visual section. In that same vein, the music of David Fleming (The Last of Us, Hillbilly Elegy) is key in creating the atmosphere and personality of the series. The result of all these pieces is a unique product, with a very particular humor, real characters in absurd situations, an exercise in exploring life as a couple that is completely opposite to its possible counterparts.

In a world where each reboot leverages a well-known name to try to repeat the same successful formula of its predecessor, Mr. & Mrs. Smith takes a much braver and more interesting path, completely distancing itself from its original source. Adapting its premise to the series format, it changes the focus from action and comedy to the development of its characters and life as a couple. Maya Erskine and Donald Glover genuinely humanize spies, making them as real as any of us and serving as a mirror to our emotional dynamics. Through black humor, intelligent dialogue, absurd situations and a lot of complicity, Mr. & Mrs. Smith allows us to continue with great fun one of the most complex and fun adventures we have in our daily lives: life as a couple.

The best: the performances of Maya Erskine and Donald Glover, the relationship they build and the development of their characters. The convoluted situations full of black humor in each episode. The direction and the music. The cameos of big stars, they all steal the show.

The bad: Because it is a reboot, many are condemning it when the story has little to do with the 2005 film. All the trailers sell it as if it were an action and physical comedy series when its true strength is drama and black humor.

Luis Bond // @luisbond009

Director. Screenwriter and EditorThe Magus Films (

Web: www.luisbond.comTomatometer-approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes: Twitter e Instagram: @luisbond009 Vimeo:

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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