The defense asks for more time

At a hearing held this Thursday in Miami-Dade, prosecutors announced that they are ready to begin the trial on February 26 against Derek Rosa, the Cuban-born teenager accused of murdering his mother in Hialeah.

However, heThe minor’s defense attorneys argue that they are not ready to go to trial and that they need to have access to more evidence and evidence from the state attorney’s office.

Derek’s defense attorneys – who declined to comment publicly after the hearing – say they are missing some witness reports and also baby monitor footage from the day of the homicide.

The judge in charge of the case, Richard Hersch, angrily told the defense that they have enough evidence, which includes, according to the judge, 750 photos and witness statements.among other.

Another argument that the defense gave to delay the start of the trial is that The videos that have been delivered to them have in some cases been cut and are not completebut the judge again, in an annoyed tone, stressed that they have enough evidence to start the trial.

“The defense is asking for an order from the judge that forces the prosecution to disclose the missing evidence or otherwise before a certain date that excludes all evidence in the case,” said Alberto Quirantes, a criminal lawyer, in statements collected by Telemundo 51.

Derek Rosa was present during the hearing, which was also attended by his grandmother, Isabel Costa; his father, José Rosa; his stepfather and several followers of the case who defend the presumed innocence of the minor and who wore t-shirts that said “save Derek.”

The next hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20the day on which defense lawyers will try to prove their allegations about the missing evidence that could delay the start of the trial, initially scheduled for February 26. Derek Rosa will be tried as an adult.

New images from the night of the crime

At the beginning of this month new images of the night were published in which the teenager of Cuban origin allegedly murdered his mother in Hialeah, on October 12.

A video recorded by the camera Ring The door of the apartment where the crime occurred showed that at 8:22 pm the minor left the house, went down the stairs and returned a few seconds later.

In other recorded images, it was seen how Derek – while speaking with the 911 operator – looked at the door of the house to check the apartment number, 210. Ten minutes later, around 11:41 pm, he was still in communication with the operator, expressing concern about the presence of officers and asking if he should leave his house.

Derek Rosa remains in an adult detention center where his education and medical care are constantly monitored.

Meanwhile, the question of the motives behind the heinous crime They remain unresolved, something that raises many doubts in the community.

On the night of October 12, the teenager murdered his mother with at least 46 stab wounds while the woman was sleeping. He did it in front of his little sister, a 14-day-old baby, and then called the 911 line, where he gave details of what happened inside the apartment, located at 211 West and 79 Place in Hialeah.

At several points during the call, the operator was heard asking the minor why he murdered his mother. Something she didn’t respond to. After the crime, Derek Rosa took photos of his mother’s body and sent them to a friend, to whom he told that he had killed his mother.

When the authorities arrived, the minor came out with his hands up. The body of her mother, Irina García, 39, lay stabbed next to the baby’s crib.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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