The Evita Movement goes out to the neighborhoods to recover the Peronist vote that went to Javier Milei

The national leadership of the Evita Movement headed by emilio persico met this Thursday in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to analyze the electoral result, present its strategy for the generals and launch the campaign command. Criticism and the first move to make emerge from the analysis: they believe that, at least in the province of Buenos Aires, the campaigns were “very local” and decided to go out and seek votes for Sergio Massa y Axel Kicillof in a portion of the electorate considered Peronist that in the popular neighborhoods was for Javier Miley. For this, they demand that the Unión por la Patria (UP) campaign command change the discourse and offer concrete proposals for a sector of informal workers who are not interested in the discourse of “rights” or the right “because they do not have rights”.

With the 272,231 that the candidates for mayors who participated in the Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Primaries (PASO) in eight districts of Buenos Aires in their pocket, Evita sat down to discuss the strategy that -he considers- should be implemented for Massa to enter in the ballotage and Kicillof managed to repeat the victory and achieve re-election.

“We see that we, the mayors and some governors of the interior work more in the local campaign than in the national or provincial campaign. Now comes the stage of working hard on those sections of the ballot, ”he told Letter P a leader who participated in the meeting held this Thursday at the premises that Evita has on Entre Río street, in the City of Buenos Aires, where the provincial pairs and the national secretariat of the organization met.

“We are going to put our entire structure and we are going to get together with other social movements to carry out this campaign together,” said the source, although he clarified that they will also accompany local strategies, even in those districts where they lost the internship, such as in La Matanza.

El Evita emphasizes the vote that Milei got in the popular neighborhoods where traditionally the vote was mostly Peronist. “You have to do a job in the speech. In those neighborhoods we see that there was a lot of vote for Milei and it has to be our compañeros who get there,” a member of the provincial small table told this outlet.

To go and convince that electorate that voted for the libertarian, Evita asks for tools. On the one hand, a change in the discourse: “There is a message that does not reach those sectors because we talk about the collective agreement, we talk about the Christmas bonus, CONICET… these are things that do not exist for the colleagues, there are ten million workers in the country who do not have rights, then, the discourse has to start to be whether we give rights to those compañeros and compañeras or not”, the source said.

They also ask for concrete proposals from the governor and the candidate for president. They believe that in the neighborhoods and among informal workers the campaign of fear of Milei does not make a dent, because “these rights have already been lost”, so they have to go and tell them “how are they going to be able to have them”. “Peronism has to represent the whole of the working class and today the whole of the working class is not the workers in white; 50 percent are by agreement and 50 percent have no rights, ”he expanded.

In Evita they maintain that, at the same time, they must begin to search for and organize the groups of people who will be left without rights in a possible Milei government, such as women, diversity, education and health, among others. .

The Evita Movement showed its firepower in the territory. Although he lost in the seven municipalities where he planted inmates, the Mayor of Moreno, Mariel Fernandez, won comfortably in the municipality and among all the candidacies they added more than 270 thousand votes. in the slaughter, Patricia Covered got 109,593 votes; in Moreno, Fernández added 77,820. The list goes on: Leonardo Grosso (San Martin) 29,072, Lis Diaz (Third of February) 21,666, Augustin Balladares (Lanús) 24,067; Ignatius Medina (with short ticket in Marcos Paz) 6,100, Miracles Moya (Wolves) 3,113 and Daniel Yuse (in Navarro, with a short ballot) 800. Among all, they totaled 272,231 votes. UP obtained 2,614,037 votes in the governor category throughout the province.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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