The image of heaven, with fire, which caused a commotion / C. de video

It seems that the mystery that surrounds La Plata at this time has been revealed, but there are neighbors who do not believe the official version. When consulting this newspaper, sources from the Commune assured that the lights that were described as “balls of fire” and were even linked to “extraterrestrial” theories, were nothing more than the fire of the Petrochemical catalysts. The explanation is given from the fog that affected the region last night, and it is believed that it did not allow the enormous towers located in the Ensenada property to be seen.

For example, on Tuesday afternoon from YPF it was reported that “in the next few hours we will carry out the last maneuvers for the start of the catalytic unit B after the stoppage on Sunday, so that an increase in flow could be generated.” in the torch that will last a short period of time.” With this message from the petrochemical pole, the authorities found an explanation for the concern that the neighbors expressed last night about the phenomenon.

As they described it to this newspaper, there are those who question this version “because the lights were very high. From Villa Elisa they never see each other that way and so close”.

It should be noted that after the publication of EL DIA by the two mysterious “balls of fire” that last night surprised several La Plata residents, photos and videos arrived that generated strong interest in the Region.

In these images you can perfectly see how the two “flares” remain suspended in the air for a few seconds, which for the Commune are the torches of the catalysts.

“They look like two propellers,” said one of the readers who sent one of the videos to this newspaper and did not come out of his astonishment. Other neighbors in the Region attribute it to “extraterrestrial” issues and asked: “Is this a UFO?”

Uncertainty took hold, mainly, in the northern part of the City. And a sample of that is that photos of this phenomenon that occurred in La Plata in the last hours did not stop arriving.

According to testimonies and images, it was two “balls of fire” -as the readers agreed to describe- that surprised. “Today – the night before – we saw this in Villa Elisa, there are two balls of fire,” began one of the messages, which described the phenomenon as “very rare.” And he explained: “Since we saw them, they stayed in the sky for at least 5 more minutes. On the web they explain that it can be a red sprite or in similar images, NASA talks about rocket steam.

The same neighbor assures that at the moment of seeing the phenomenon “there were no storms or anything. It happened around 9:45 p.m. Another sent a photo and said that “those lights in the sky were half an hour.”


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