The Government studies giving free sunscreen

Spain is one of the countries in the European Union that enjoys the most hours of sunshine per year, about 2,500 on average. With this information in hand, the Government is planning to place free sunscreen dispensers in public places, as the Minister of Health, Mónica García, explained this week.

We have always talked about the incidence of melanomas and the importance of not only its applicability but also its access. We are working on the possibility of this access being free in certain circumstances because, I insist again, something that prevents diseases is as much a pharmaceutical product as any other, García pointed out this Thursday.

However, García announced that the measure It will not be approved in time to apply it this summer because ministerial things are going slowly, especially when there are certain increases in the amount of services. The measure, advanced by The Reasonhas already been implemented in the Netherlands, which last summer placed sunscreen dispensers in schools, parks, festivals and other public places.

We are financing drugs and yet We are not funding those patients who do not have access or who have extraordinary need due to the pathology of some products, such as sun creams, explained García, who encouraged Spaniards to use sun cream this summer as a preventive measure, a health protection measure.

The measure has not been detailed beyond what García announced. That is, the places where these dispensers would be placed are not yet known. However, the minister already gave some clues last year, as reported by Europa Press: Libraries, health centers, parks, sports centers… We want social interventions like this, linked to health, to be carried out in these spaces, which also serve as a climate refuge.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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