The investigation of murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta at the hands of Daniel Sancho continues its course. Despite the fact that Big Joke stated a few weeks ago that the case was already closed, nothing could be further from the truth since Thai authorities continue to collect testimonies and evidence that can further clarify the facts.

The confessed murderer remains in pretrial detention in the Koh Samui jail awaiting the trial where he will be tried for the crime. Yes ok The police of the Asian country choose to request the death penalty for the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo, the victim’s family prefers life imprisonment. In addition, the program ‘En boca de todos’ has revealed in the last few hours that Edwin Arrieta’s inner circle He is already studying the procedures to request a large compensation to the Spanish chef.


According to the aforementioned Telecinco space, The relatives of the Colombian surgeon have in mind to demand an economic figure that could amount to 500,000 euros for all the pain caused by that heinous crime. However, these numbers could be much higher due to the terrifying way in which Daniel Sancho created everything. “They want the highest compensation possible”, they advance from the program presented by Diego Losada.

The experts point out that the autopsy where it is revealed that Edwin Arrieta died with his throat cut would help considerably when asking for a greater amount of money. “Being dismembered and due to the pain of the family, it means more money”, they explain

His parents, in the spotlight

‘On everyone’s lips’ also contemplates the idea that Daniel Sancho cannot afford this compensation as he does not have any assets in his name. Everything indicates that it would be his parents who would have to face this payment, according to Thai law. In the event that the crime was tried in Spain, the parents of the accused would not be obliged to take responsibility.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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