The maximum fine per neighbor if the elevator in your community does not comply with the new Law on July 1

From the July 1, the Complementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1 comes into force which affects all existing elevators in Spain. Here are some of the key changes including:

-Responsibilities: Royal Decree 355/2024 establishes new responsibilities for owners and conservative companies. Establishes new responsibilities for owners and maintenance elevator companies in Spain. Regulates aspects such as regulatory inspections and safety improvements.

-Inspections: Regulatory inspections are regulated. Regulatory inspections of elevators are carried out to verify the correct operation of the different safety devices in elevators, as indicated in current legislation:

-Industrial buildings and public places of attendance: They should be reviewed every 2 years.
-Residential buildings with more than 4 floors or 20 homes: They undergo inspection every 4 years.
-Elevators not included in the previous cases: They must be inspected every 6 years

-Security improvements: Safety improvements must be implemented within seven years, such as limiting the difference in level between the inside and outside of the elevator, having doors with curtains, two-way communication systems and load control devices:

Accurate leveling: Stop precision is required to avoid trips and falls, leaving the elevator exactly at the height of the landing.
Door protection: Person detection mechanisms prevent sudden closures that could cause danger when entering or exiting.
Prevention of uncontrolled movements: Protection is required against uncontrolled movements of the cabin, both upwards and at rest with the doors open.

Fines if you don’t comply

If an elevator does not comply with regulations, neighborhood communities could face significant fines. They are sanctioned in accordance with Law 21/1992 and the Complementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1. And they have three categories:

Minor violations: Fines of up to 60,000, with a statute of limitations of 1 year.

Serious violations: Fines of up to 6,000,000, with a statute of limitations of 3 years.

Very serious violations: Fines of up to 100,000,000, with a statute of limitations of 5 years.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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