the menemista team to deal with the Fund

The presidential candidate of Freedom Advances, Javier Mileywas the most voted in last Sunday’s PASO and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) take note. Just 48 hours later, the libertarian economist revealed that he received a call from the credit agency and the entity confirmed the contact in order to coordinate a meeting. The meeting does not yet have a date, but the candidate for the Casa Rosada has already confirmed his team to accompany him to Washington: carlos rodriguez, Roque Fernandez y Dario Epsteinthree former officials of the government of Carlos Menem who make up your team of economic advisors to honor

We have no problems with the Fund“, said the LLA leader in television statements just one day after he had assured that”is a disastrous institution that protects irresponsible politicians“. In the entity that directs Kristalina Georgieva stated that contact with the candidates “allows the staff better understand the key aspects of possible future economic policies.” Milei will go to this meeting with her three trusted economists, who have been the candidate’s advisers since mid-May.

Roque Fernandez

was one of the Fundamental pillars in the implementation of Domingo Cavallo’s convertibility plan. He was president of the Central Bank from 1991 to 1996, where he resisted 1 to 1, and from 1997 to 1999 he was Economy Ministerwhere he led the privatization of companies such as YPF, Correo Argentino and airports. He is a CPA and a PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago. He worked for the Organization of American States (OAS), the IMF and the World Bank. He was one of the founders of the Center for Macroeconomic Studies of Argentina (CEMA), and some economists consider him the author of the Bonex Plan in 1989.

carlos rodriguez

He is the head of the advisory team. Fernández’s classmate at the Chicago house of studies, in 1978 he returned to Argentina to join CEMA, where he still works. Between 1996 and 1998 he served as head of the advisory cabinet of the Palacio de Hacienda and as secretary of Economic Policy. He left his post when tried to privatize Banco Nación and Menem denied it. Like the former president of the BCRA, he is a member of the National Academy of Economic Sciences and worked at the Fund. “With Roque we share the same principles of political and economic freedom, openness, integration and competition as basic pillars of a modern capitalist society,” he said when he joined the team de Milei in May, adding: “During all these decades we shared the idea that the country needed a new alternative to the two populist parties that alternated in power. A liberal right-wing alternative, oriented to the free market and open economy. Then Javier Milei appeared with La Libertad Avanza, which postulates the same principles that we have pursued in all these decades.”

Dario Epstein

At 60, Epstein is the youngest of the three advisors and is a specialist in capital markets, a business consultant in strategy and finance. In 1992 he was named director of the National Securities Commission, where he was responsible for the areas of Issuance of Securities, Mutual Funds and Risk Rating. He was also part of the team that led the negotiations with the World Bank for the development of the figure of the financial trust in Argentina.

during the menemism participated in the privatizations of companies in the steel sector, Entel, Gas del Estado, Telecom and YPF, as well as in company restructuring and process reengineering in the financial sector. He held executive positions in Citibank, Booz Allen Hamilton, Bank May y Coutts/Nat West Group y BACS. He currently serves as a founding partner of Research for Tradersan Argentine company that advises national and international investors.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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