The cross-party censure motion tabled by the centrist group Libertés, Indépendants, Outre-mer et Territoires (Liot) was rejected by the National Assembly on Monday March 20, even though a larger than expected number of LR deputies voted for bring down the government. The text was to gather 287 votes and obtained 278.

Pensions: motions of censure rejected in the National Assembly, demonstration in progress in Paris

After the announcement of the activation of article 49.3 to pass the pension reform, two motions of censure were tabled on Friday: one, transpartisan, from the Liot group and the other from the RN, which should not no longer be adopted by the deputies.

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The Constitutional Council to express itself

As soon as the rejection was announced, the left-wing elected representatives immediately held up signs in the hemicycle proclaiming “64 years old, no”, « on continue » or « RIP » as a shared initiative referendum, which they want to launch. The Nupes also chanted “resignation, resignation”addressed to the ministers present, primarily Elisabeth Borne.

The motion of censure of the extreme right has collected only 94 votes out of the 287 necessary. The left like the RN group have already announced referrals to the Constitutional Council, which will have to decide before the promulgation of the highly contested reform project.

Some 250 parliamentarians, mainly from the left, are also calling for a shared initiative referendum (RIP) to “affirm that the legal retirement age cannot be set beyond 62 years”.


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