You are currently viewing The name of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’s second daughter comes to light

The relationship of Sophie Turner (27) and Joe Jonas (34) seemed like a fairy tale until it turned into a nightmare.

The couple, who began dating in 2016, secretly married in Las Vegas in 2019 and a month later they had a grand wedding at Chateau de Tourreau, in the south of France.

A month ago their breakup became public and since then the war in the courts seems to have intensified. After Sophie Turner sues Joe Jonas toaccusing him of “retaining” his daughters in the US After they agreed to move with her to England, the former couple reached an agreement that establishes that the girls will stay in New York until the divorce process is resolved.

Two daughters of three and one year

The protagonist of Game of Thrones gave birth to her first daughter, a girl named Willa, in July 2020. He is three years old.

Their second daughter was born two years later, in July 2022. Her name had not been made public until now, when the Daily Mail made it public after accessing a series of documents belonging to the divorce lawsuit.

According to the British media, the little girl, just over a year old, Her name is Delphine.

The Page Six media outlet has also echoed the news.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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