María Corina Machado asks to maintain focus on the 2024 presidential elections

CARACAS. – Maria Corina Machadocandidate of the Unitary Platform in this year’s presidential elections, highlighted that she has the support of Venezuelans.

“He regime He refuses to admit that we have already given him the political and spiritual defeat. That is irreversible. They know that tomorrow there are elections with me and we won 80-20, even without an impeccable electoral system,” Machado said in an interview with the Venezuelan portal TalCualthis Sunday, February 11.

He added that there are more and more people within the regime “who are beginning to consider that a negotiated solution could be in their best interest to move forward with a complex transition.”

Likewise, he said that his political phrase “until the end” means complying with the mandate given by more than two million in the primaries on October 22.

“The people chose their candidate and Maduro will not impose it by hand,” he said. On January 26, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) ratified the 15-year political disqualification of María Corina Machado.

The regime does not comply

The opposition leader also indicated that, if the United States government endorses an electoral process without her candidacy,They themselves would be violating the Barbados Agreement, which begins by saying that the parties choose their candidate. I believe that all the actors have fulfilled their part of the Agreement, except the regime. “There is integrality here to achieve clean and free elections.”

On the other hand, the candidate argued that her speech is directed at the international community and Latin America because the center where the main problems of Latin America converge, of hemispheric security, destabilization, organized crime and migration is in Venezuela.

“If Maduro takes this away ‘the hard way’, as he says, all these problems are going to be magnified. We could have a wave of migration like we have not seen before. But there is the other scenario, where we could advance along a transition route, although very complicated,” he said.

Source: TalCual

Tarun Kumar

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