At the Koh Phangan police station, work continues to finish the investigation into the murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta at the hands of Daniel Sancho as soon as possible. Although there are many experts in our country who assure that There is still a lot of evidence to conclude the investigationsthe Thai authorities are clear: in ten days the investigation is closed.

Likewise, the police of the Asian country assure that after interrogating the confessed murderer up to two times, “we understand that he did it”: “We don’t justify it, but we understand it.” However, they emphasize in statements collected on Telecinco that “we condemn what he has done and will pay for it.”

“The investigation is 99% closed. It only remains to order all the evidence and documentation to deliver it to the Prosecutor’s Office. It will probably be before September 15 when we send it”, reveals one of the agents. In the same way, from Thailand they defend themselves against the accusations of an alleged favorable treatment of Daniel Sancho in the Koh Samui prison: “It isn’t true. All prisoners are treated equally and so are their families.”

Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand.


Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand. DAILYNEWSvia REUTERS

Regarding Silvia Bronchalo’s continuous visits to her son, this Thai police officer reveals that the Spanish “is a good woman”: “Wait your turn like the rest of the family. When he enters, he only spends fifteen minutes with Daniel Sancho”. He also took advantage of the talk with the Mediaset reporters to make it clear that throughout the different interrogations there was no problem at all when it came to translations, since they had the presence of an expert translator and interpreter.

The search for Edwin Arrieta ceases

Big Joke, the number two of the Thai police, has informed the press that they have made the determination to cease the search for the remains of Edwin Arrieta. “We have half the body and all the evidence, we are not going to continue looking”assures in an interview that it will see the light of day this Monday in ‘Y ahora Sonsoles’.

A statement that draws everyone’s attention since it should be remembered that there is still Key details such as the organs of the Colombian surgeon have not been foundas well as your mobile phone. And it is that the device would contain important messages that would help to clarify the relationship between the victim and her confessed murderer.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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