The umbrella trial of Hunter Biden begins to cover up more serious accusations

WASHINGTON– The controversial trial of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, accused of illegally possessing a firearm while addicted to heroin and other substances, began in a federal court in Wilmington on Monday, in the midst of the presidential campaign. November in which the president and former Republican president Donald Trump seek re-election.

Hunter is accused of lying about his illegal drug use to purchase a firearm in 2018, a felony.

The “umbrella trial” in Delaware

However, the trial serves as an umbrella to divert attention from other more serious accusations. Especially the investigations into Hunter Biden’s shady dealings with enemies and companies investigated for corruption in Ukraine and China, and which he also links to former Russian officials. All under the alleged knowledge and participation of President Joe Biden.

The ex-prosecutor general of Ukraine, Víktor Shokin, was investigating the oil company Burisma, where Hunter Biden was a member of the executive panelwhen he was allegedly dismissed by President Vladimir Zelensky at the direct request of Joe Biden.

This was stated by the Ukrainian Minister of Justice in two days of interviews with a Republican investigative team from the House of Representatives. On both occasions, Shokin offered valuable testimony for the independent congressional investigation against the Biden family, especially against Hunter, his uncle, and President Joe Biden himself.

The former attorney general of Ukraine accused Biden and his son Hunter last August of receiving and giving bribes.

Recently, former Ukrainian parliamentarian Andréi Derkach warned in an interview that Shokin runs the risk of being assassinated for participating in the high-level corruption investigations of Biden’s family.

According to the politician, Shokin is a “main witness and key figure” in the Republican investigations in Washington. Shokin met in October 2023 with US attorneys Jake Greenberg and Clarck Abourisk, who “work with the US Congress.”

According to former Ukrainian parliamentarian Derkach now “Shokin is the most resonant Ukrainian surname in connection with cases of corruption investigations in Ukraine.”

Objective: disassociate Joe Biden from criminal proceedings

The president’s son arrived at the court in his hometown, Wilmington, in the state of Delaware, accompanied by part of his family, including the first lady, Jill Biden, but not the President.

Jury selection began and The trial is expected to last one or two weeks..

Joe Biden said he and his wife were “very proud” of Hunter.

“As President, I do not and will not comment on pending federal cases, but as a father, I have boundless love for my son, trust in him, and respect for his strength,” Biden said in a statement.

The trial takes place days after a New York jury found former US President Donald J. Trump guilty of alleged corporate fraud. The case is under the defense appeal process.

The trial of Delawarealong with another in California in which Hunter Biden is accused of tax evasion, is a potential problem for Biden, who is seeking a second term and is now focusing on the former president’s sentence to discredit his image in the middle of the election campaign.

In addition to being a political distraction and cover up the real accusations against him for putting US national security at high risk, Hunter Biden’s legal problems for now only emphasize his extensive period as a drug addict.

Addiction as a distraction

The Yale-trained lawyer and lobbyist turned “entertainer” is accused of falsely stating that he did not use illegal drugs in documents to purchase a .38-caliber Colt Cobra revolver in 2018.

He is also charged with the crime of illegal possession of a firearm, which he had for 1 day in October of that year.

Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty in October. He had previously reached a deal with prosecutors, but it fell through and led to trial.

Prosecutors have a large amount of evidence, very uncomfortable, related to Hunter Biden’s addiction, but in reality the trial is more of a smokescreen of distraction that in some way continues to benefit the accused of other, much more serious alleged crimes, part of them revealed on a laptop that remains absolutely silent in the hands of the FBI.

Republicans in Congress accuse Hunter Biden’s Justice Department of favoring legal proceedings against the son of the White House tenant.

The FBI has been investigating Hunter for more than four years with presumably a lot of evidence according to press reports published with leaked information; However, so far, there appears to be no intention to bring charges against Biden’s son. Against former President Trump, they did quickly do so regarding classified White House documents, which reveals The partiality of this body that must be independent within a democratic system, as it was until a few years ago.

They have called three of their ex-partners as witnesses, including Lunden Roberts, the mother of one of their children.

If convicted, Hunter Biden faces a sentence of up to 25 years in prison, although since he has no criminal record the sentence will be much lighter, even without jail. And it is the most likely thing to happen at a time when Justice now operates in the United States on a partisan basis; but only towards the left and against all conservative currents as dozens of legislators from the House of Representatives and the Senate in the Congress of the nation have denounced.

Republicans have defined it as two-level Justice: one in favor of the left at all times and the second against conservatives all the timean unprecedented event in the history of the country.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP and other sources.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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